How to Install Windows 10 on Hyper-V Virtual Machine: Step-by-Step Guide. Installation of Windows 10 to a Virtual Machine is the same as clear Windows 10 installation to a physical computer, but there is no need to configure the boot device and update BIOS Firmware. Also in VM there is no need to update Device Drivers for the virtual machines.
1. Open Hyper-V Manager, connect to VM, and click the button Start to Power-on VM;
2. Press any key (as an example “Space“) when the message Press any key to boot from CD or DVD appeared;
3. Configure your language settings. In my case, I use Ukrainian (Ukraine) for Time and currency format, because I live in Ukraine and this is enterprise deployment. After making changes click Next;
4. Click Install (there is nothing to repair);
5. Read and set check mark I accept the license terms. Click Next;
6. Select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced) (there is no need for an upgrade);
7. Select Disk for installation. In my case, there is only one disk. Click Next;
8. Installation starts;
9. It’s almost ready;
10. After several reboots we get the Configuration of personalization. I choose Use Express settings;
11. Choose future domain type joining. I join to local AD, so I choose to Join a local Active Directory domain. Make your choice and click Next;
12. Enter details for local user credentials. I can’t create the user “Administrator” because it exists in the system as a “Default disabled account” (in “English” distributive). If I use “non-English” distributive, as an example “Russian” or “Ukrainian” – then I am able to create the user “Administrator“. Click Next;
13. We’re happy you’re here! Wait a few minutes;
14. Hooray, we did it! Windows 10 is installed, for now, Shut Down the VM;