Tag: Linux

PowerShell 7.0 Generally Available

PowerShell 7.0 Generally Available. What is PowerShell 7? PowerShell 7 is the

Windows Terminal Preview v0.8

Windows Terminal Preview v0.8. Search Search functionality has been added to the

Microsoft Teams Roundup December 2019

Microsoft Teams Roundup December 2019. Microsoft Teams is now available on Linux

Skype 8.55 release notes

Skype 8.55 release notes. here are some cool new features in this

Windows Terminal Preview v0.7

Windows Terminal Preview v0.7. Panes You are now able to split your

Ubuntu remove Nvidia Cuda drivers

Ubuntu remove Nvidia Cuda drivers. Want to remove the installed earlier and

How to Execute Shell Script Files on Windows 10 Using WSL

How to Execute Shell Script Files on Windows 10 Using WSL. Bash is

How to Install Apache on Ubuntu: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Install Apache on Ubuntu: Step-by-Step Guide. 1. Start by updating

SQL Server 2019 preview available

SQL Server 2019 preview available. SQL Server – Insights over all your

Supercharge Your Development with Docker on AlmaLinux 9

Supercharge Your Development with Docker on AlmaLinux 9. Ready to unleash the