Herunterladen VLC Medienspieler 3.0.10 x64 MSI.
VLC logo 512×512 for Microsoft Endepoint Konfigurationsmanager (MACM) Bereitstellungen:
- Keine Desktop-Verknüpfung;
- In Zukunft aktualisierbar. (vergangene Version)
Änderungen zwischen Und 3.0.10:
* Update Twitch & VLSub scripts
Changes between Und
* Properly bump the version in configure.ac
Changes between 3.0.9 Und
* Fix VLSub returning 401 for earch request
Changes between 3.0.8 Und 3.0.9:
* Work around busy looping when playing an invalid item through VLM
* Multiple dvdread and dvdnav crashs fixes
* Behoben DVD glitches on clip change
* Fixed dvdread commands/data sequence inversion in some cases causing
unwanted glitches
* Better handling of authored as corrupted DVD
* Added libsmb2 support for SMB2/3 shares
* Fix TTML entities not passed to decoder
* Fixed some WebVTT styling tags being not applied
* Misc raw H264/HEVC frame rate fixes
* Fix adaptive regression on TS format change (mostly HLS)
* Fixed MP4 regression with twos/sowt PCM audio
* Fixed some MP4 raw quicktime and ms-PCM audio
* Fixed MP4 interlacing handling
* Multiple adaptive stack (DASH/HLS/Smooth) fixes
* Enabled Live seeking for HLS
* Fixed seeking in some cases for HLS
* Improved Live playback for Smooth and DASH
* Fixed adaptive unwanted end of stream in some cases
* Faster adaptive start and new buffering control options
* Fixes H264/HEVC incomplete draining in some cases
* packetizer_helper: Fix potential trailing junk on last packet
* Added missing drain in packetizers that was causing missing
last frame or audio
* Improved check to prevent fLAC synchronization drops
* avcodec: revector video decoder to fix incomplete drain
* spudec: implemented palette updates, fixing missing subtitles
on some DVD
* Fixed WebVTT CSS styling not being applied on Windows/macOS
* Fixed Hebrew teletext pages support in zvbi
* Fixed Dav1d aborting decoding on corrupted picture
* Extract and display of all CEA708 subtitles
* Update libfaad to 2.9.1
* Add DXVA support for VP9 Profile 2 (10 bits)
* Mediacodec aspect ratio with Amazon devices
Audio output:
* Added support for iOS audiounit audio above 48KHz
* Added support for amem audio up to 384KHz
Video output:
* Fix for opengl glitches in some drivers
* Fix GMA950 opengl support on macOS
* YUV to RGB StretchRect fixes with NVIDIA drivers
* Use libpacebo new tone mapping desaturation algorithm
Text renderer:
* Fix crashes on macOS with SSA/ASS subtitles containing emoji
* Fixed unwanted growing background in Freetype rendering and Y padding
* Fixed some YUV mappings
* Use a layer based video output on 10.14 und höher, which should
fix various rendering issues where the vout would glitch between
a wrong size and the correct size.
Additionally this works around OpenGL issues with Macs that have a
dedicated NVIDIA GPU, which caused rendering artifacts in the whole
OS, especially when the "Reduce transparency" accessibility option
is used
* Remove qtsound module and add avaudiocapture module as replacement
* Fix audio capture on macOS Catalina by using avaudiocapture
* Inform the user in case OS permissions are missing for certain actions
* Fix Apple Remote support on macOS Catalina
* Add support for pausing Apple Music on macOS Catalina
* Fix UPnP discovery crash without an active network interface
* Fix rare placement issues with fullscreen panel
* Fix problem in audio output remembering the last device configuration
in digital mode
Service Discovery:
* Update libmicrodns to 0.1.2
* Update YouTube, SoundCloud and Vocaroo scripts: this restores
playback of YouTube URLs.
* Add missing .wpl & .zpl file associations on Windows
* Improved chromecast audio quality