SCCM KB4537079.
Issues that are fixed
- Der Configuration Manager-Konsole may terminate unexpectedly when viewing the properties of a third-party software updates catalog.
- Local policy instances are not copied to Actual (current) policy on clients if there are no policies downloaded from the site server.
- Distribution Points incorrect display a failed status for deployment packages. This occurs if the Verteilungspunkt is removed from a Verteilungspunkt group while it is in maintenance mode.
- The SCCMPXE service consumes more memory than expected after updating to Konfigurationsmanager version 1910.
- The Create Cloud Management Gateway Wizard only displays the first 50 Subscription ID’s for a given account. Any subscriptions beyond the first 50 are not available for use in the wizard.
- Powershell.exe terminates unexpectedly when importing modules using the Connect via PowerShell option in the Configuration Manager-Konsole.
- The BitLocker drive status shows as non-compliant when the drive is encrypted. This occurs when using Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring (MBAM) policies and the policies are set to disabled or not configured.
- Clients within the boundaries of a secondary site repeatedly send registration requests until the secondary site server is restarted. After a client is successfully registered, a message resembling the following is recorded in the ClientIDManagerStartup.log file, indicating that the client will register again.
- [RegTask] – Client is not registered. Sending registration request for GUID:{client_GUID} …
- Personal view preferences for the Configuration Manager-Konsole are lost when connecting back to the console via a Remote Desktop session.
The following additional issue is resolved with the installation of this update rollup.
- KB4542722 SQL database compatibility level changes after applying Konfigurationsmanager updates