Limpiar la confusión: Servidor Windows 2012 Requisitos del sistema R2 explicados.
- Instalación is the basic concept of getting the new operating system on your hardware. Specifically, a clean installation requires deleting the previous operating system.
- Upgrade means moving from your existing operating system to Servidor Windows 2012 R2, while staying on the same hardware. Even while staying on the same hardware, some server roles might require specific steps to ensure a smooth upgrade.
- Migration means moving from your existing operating system to Servidor Windows 2012 R2 by transferring to a different set of hardware.
Clean installation
Before you start a clean installation of Servidor Windows 2012 R2, you should perform the following steps.
- Review the system requirements
- Review preinstallation documentation
- Obtain the product
- Perform preinstallation tasks
Processor performance depends not only on the clock frequency of the processor but also on the number of processor cores and the size of the processor cache.
- Mínimo: 1.4 Procesador de 64 bits
Los siguientes son los requisitos de RAM estimados para este producto.:
- Mínimo: 512 MEGABYTE (Only for installation, for using you need more)
Si creas un máquina virtual con el mínimo soportado hardware parámetros (1 núcleo del procesador y 512 MB de RAM) y luego intente instalar esta versión en el máquina virtual, La configuración fallará.
Para evitar esto, haz una de las siguientes:
- asignar más de 800 MB RAM to the máquina virtual you intend to install in this release. Once Setup has been completed, puedes cambiar la asignación a tan sólo 512 MB de RAM, dependiendo de la configuración real del servidor.
- Interrumpa el proceso de inicio de esta versión en el máquina virtual con MAYÚS+F10. En el símbolo del sistema que se abre, use Diskpart.exe para crear y formatear una partición de instalación. Correr Wpeutil crear archivo de página /ruta=C:\pf.sys (asumiendo que la partición de instalación que creó fue C:). Cierre el símbolo del sistema y continúe con la configuración..
Disk space requirements
The following are the estimated minimum disk space requirements for the system partition.
- Mínimo: 32 ES (Only for installation, for using you need more)
La partición del sistema necesitará espacio adicional para cualquiera de las siguientes circunstancias:
- Si instala el sistema a través de una red.
- Computadoras con más de 16 GB de RAM requerirán más espacio en disco para paginación, hibernación, y volcar archivos.
Otros requisitos
You also must have the following:
- Gigabit (10/100/1000baseT) Ethernet adapter
- DVD drive (if you intend to install the operating system from DVD media)
Perform preinstallation tasks
Before you install Servidor Windows 2012 R2, follow the steps in this section to prepare for the installation.
- Disconnect UPS devices. If you have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to your destination computer, disconnect the serial cable before running Setup. Setup automatically attempts to detect devices that are connected to serial ports, and UPS equipment can cause issues with the detection process.
- Back up your servers. Your backup should include all data and configuration information that is necessary for the computer to function. It is important to perform a backup of configuration information for servers, especially those that provide network infrastructure, such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servidores. When you perform the backup, be sure to include the boot and system partitions and the system state data. Another way to back up configuration information is to create a backup set for Automated System Recovery.
- Disable your virus protection software. Virus protection software can interfere with installation. Por ejemplo, it can make installation much slower by scanning every file that is copied locally to your computer.
- Provide mass storage drivers. If your manufacturer has supplied a separate driver file, save the file to a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or Universal Serial Bus (USB) flash drive in either the root directory of the media or the amd64 carpeta. To provide the driver during Setup, on the disk selection page, hacer clic Load Driver (or press F6). You can browse to locate the driver or have Setup search the media.
- Be aware that Cortafuegos de Windows is on by default. Server applications that must receive unsolicited inbound connections will fail until you create inbound firewall rules to allow them. Check with your application vendor to determine which ports and protocols are necessary for the application to run correctly.
Evaluation versions of Servidor Windows 2012 R2
Evaluation versions are 64-bit only and can be installed with the Server Core option or the Server with a GUI option. For more information about these installation options, how to convert between them, and how to use the Minimal Server Interface and Features on Demand.
For all editions, you have 10 days to complete online activation, at which point the evaluation period begins and runs for 180 días. During the evaluation period, a notification on the Desktop displays the days remaining in the evaluation period (except in Servidor Windows 2012 Essentials). You can also run slmgr.vbs /dlv from an elevated command prompt to see the time remaining.
slmgr.vbs /dlv
Limits of evaluation versions
All evaluation versions are fully functional during the evaluation period, although booting to Safe mode is not available. El Servidor Windows 2012 R2 Standard and Servidor Windows 2012 R2 Datacenter editions come with the activation key pre-installed. After the 180-day evaluation period elapses, the server warns you in various ways depending on the edition:
Servidor Windows 2012 R2 Standard; Servidor Windows 2012 R2 Datacenter:
- The following warning appears on the Desktop: ventanas License is expired
- When you registro on to ventanas, you are prompted with the following options:
- Activate now
- Ask me later
- The system shuts down every hour.
- The only updates that can be installed are security updates.
- ID de evento 100 from source WLMS “The license period for this installation of ventanas has expired. The operating system will shut down every hour.” appears in the Application registro.