Bureau Insider 2212 pour Fenêtres notes de libération.
Construire 15911.20000 (Novembre 18, 2022)
Notable fix
- Nous fixed an issue where a new presentation was not created when using the PowerPoint.createPresentation API.
Notable fix
- We fixed an issue where text was unexpectedly hidden by a shape even though the text wrapping option was selected.
Suite bureautique
Notable fix
- We fixed an issue where applying the blockcontentexecutionfrominternet policy would prevent files containing an embedded macro to no longer to run.
Construire 15904.20000 (Novembre 11, 2022)
- Insert in-cell images with the new IMAGE function: Your images can now be part of the worksheet, instead of floating on top. You can move and resize cells, sort and filter, and work with images within an Excel table.
- Touch Improvements to Ribbon: Improving the spacing of buttons in the Ribbon when the user’s device is being used in Tablet posture.
- Touch Improvements to Ribbon: Improving the spacing of buttons in the Ribbon when the user’s device is being used in Tablet posture.
- Touch Improvements to Ribbon: Improving the spacing of buttons in the Ribbon when the user’s device is being used in Tablet posture.
Office Insider for Fenêtres version 2212 notes de libération.
Construire 15831.20012 (Novembre 4, 2022)
- Save Media with Closed Captions. Now, when you right-click and choose Save Media as, all the closed caption files are saved along with the media file.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue where no visual indicator would show which wrap text option was selected.
- We fixed an issue where content would flash with every keystroke when typing in a tracked change in a table.
- Nous fixed an issue where printing would stop working.
- We fixed an issue where a paragraph before non-editable content could not be deleted.
Suite bureautique
Notaable fix
- We fixed an issue where a file, opened as protected, would remain in a temp folder after the user closed it and exited Office.