SQL Server Installation Preparation: Creating Fenêtres Firewall Rules, Logical Disks, Installing .NET-Framework 3.5, and Creating Service Accounts.
Create Windows Firewall rules for SQL
1. Enregistrer dans votre SQL serveur. Bouton droit de la souris cliquez sur le Commencer et sélectionnez Panneau de contrôle;
2. Ouvrir Fenêtres Firewall;
3. Cliquez sur Advanced settings;
4. Cliquez sur Inbound Rules et sélectionnez New Rule;
5. Select the option Port et cliquez sur le Suivant bouton;
6. Select options UDP, Specific local ports and enter 1434 et cliquez sur le Suivant bouton. (Défaut SQL UDP port, allow remote connections to SQL);
7. Leave Allow the connection et cliquez sur le Suivant bouton;
8. Leave check marks by default and click Suivant;
9. Enter the rule name, for an example SQL UDP, et cliquez sur le Finition bouton;
10. Repeat and select the TCP option, Specific local ports, and enter 1433. (Défaut SQL TCP port). Aussi, I enter 14331 et 8080 after the symbol “,” for my future SCCM installation. Cliquez le Suivant bouton;
11. Repeat, enter the rule name, Par exemple, SQL TCP, et cliquez sur le Finition bouton;
12. Check created tules;
Create logical disks
Create logical disks. Early I created and connected to my SQL Machine virtuelle two “Disques virtuels". Dans ce poste, we initialize them and create “Logical disks” in the system.
1. Bouton droit de la souris on the “Commencer” button and select “Disk Management";
2. First of all change the “CD-ROM” drive letter from “D" à "R.". Bouton droit de la souris click on CD-ROM and select Change Drive Letter and Paths;
3. Cliquez sur le Changement bouton;
4. Select the drive letter “R” and click the D'ACCORD bouton;
5. In the pop-up window click the Oui bouton;
6. Cliquez sur le D'ACCORD button to apply changes;
7. Bouton droit de la souris click on the first Disk and select Online;
8. Bouton droit de la souris click on the first Disk and select initialize Disk;
9. Select option “GPT (GUID Partition Table)» et cliquez sur «D'ACCORD" bouton;
10. Bouton droit de la souris click on first Disk “Unallocated space” and select “New Simple Volume» (to create new logical disk);
11. Cliquez sur le "Suivant" bouton;
12. Leave size as default and click the “Suivant" bouton;
13. Assign a drive letter, as an example “D» et cliquez sur «Suivant" bouton;
14. Set format options:
- File System – leave “NTFS", if you use “ReFS” – you can’t backup it with “DPM» (Data Protection Manager doesn’t understand ReFS);
- Allocation unit size – I set “64K” because I place on disk a few big files;
- Volume label – set the name for your drive. In my case “SCCM-DATA".
Cliquez sur le "Suivant" bouton;
15. Check the summary information and click the “Finition" bouton;
16. Repeat for the second disk;
17. Open “This PC” and check newly added “Logical Disks”;
Install Net Framework 3.5
You can install it using CMD ou Interface graphique. Dans ce poste, we install “NET-Framework 3.5” from Interface graphique.
1. If Server Manager doesn’t start at login – run it. Click on the upper menu “Manage” and select “Add Roles and Features”;
2. Cliquez sur le "Suivant" bouton;
3. Cliquez sur le "Suivant" bouton;
4. Select your target server and click the “Suivant" bouton;
5. Don’t install any roles, cliquez sur le "Suivant" bouton;
6. Set the check mark on “.NET Framework 3.5 Features” and click the “Suivant" bouton;
7. Cliquez sur le "Installer" bouton (if you don’t have an internet connection, but insert DVD or *.iso file with operating system installation files – click “Specify an alternate source path» <drive letter>:\sourcessxs);
8. When the installation is complete click the “Fermer" bouton;
Create Service Accounts
1. For my SQL & SCCM deployment I create folders:
- On disk “D» ("SCCM-DATA") – SCCM and sub-folders (Backup, Données, Journaux);
- On disk “E» ("TEMP") – SCCM;
You plan and deploy SQL as you wish or by your “Corporate Policies".
2. Let’s add “Service accounts” for SQL et SCCM déploiement. Bouton droit de la souris click on the “Commencer” button and select “Computer Management”;
3. Allez sur «Groups” and open “Administrateurs";
4. Cliquez sur le "Ajouter" bouton;
5. First add the SCCM serveur ("AD Object Computer") compte. Suivant, add all SQL service accounts and SCCM service accounts (for client installation); After adding click the "D'ACCORD" bouton;
6. Also you may enable in “Fenêtres Firewall” rule to allow ping;
7. And enable more rules (voir capture d'écran) for successful SCCM déploiement.
8. If you don’t do step “7” you may get the next erreur when installing SCCM;