How to Change SMSTS.log Logging Options in Configuration Manager and Inject SMSTS.ini into Boot Images.
To inject the SMSTS.ini file into the Boot Images:
1. Using Notepad, create a *.ini file with the desired parameters. For example:
[Logging] LOGMAXSIZE=5242880
NOTE: When saving the file in Notepad, make to save it with an extension of .ini and not .txt.
2. Copy the SMSTS.ini file created in Step 1 into the appropriate directories on the ConfigMgr site server where the Boot Images are located. The file has to be copied to two separate directories – one for x86 Boot Image and one for x64 Boot Images. The directories to copy the file to are:
3. In the ConfigMgr console, navigate to:
Software Library –> Operating Systems –> Boot Images
4. Right-click on the desired Boot Image to be updated with the *.ini file and choose Update Distribution Points.
5. In the Summary page of the Update Distribution Points Wizard window, click on the Next > button and allow the Boot Image to be rebuilt.
6. Once the Boot Image is finished rebuilding, in the Completion page of the Update Distribution Points Wizard window, click on the Close
7. Repeat Steps 4-6 for each Boot Image in the environment.
8. Once the Distribution Points have finished updating for each Boot Image, each Boot Image should have the updated log settings for the SMSTS.log.