How to Fix PowerShell Script Errors: 0xFFFD0000, “The System Cannot Find the File Specified,” and More. Task Scheduler PowerShell script error 0xFFFD0000. Sometimes, I have been experiencing error 0xFFFD0000 while executing some Powershell scripts.
The system cannot find the file specified (800070002)
The field Program/script contains an invalid directory
The task is currently running. (041301) hangs
The field “Program/script” contains an invalid executable name extension.
For example, powershells.exe instead of powershell.exe would lead the task to hang. In the end, the task will time out after 72 hours.
The field Add arguments (optional) contains an invalid argument.
For example: -Gile instead of -File could lead to this error.
The field Add arguments (optional) contains an invalid file name, not a script error, but a path error.
For example: you refer to myscript.ps2 instead of myscript.ps1
You need to create Task Scheduler PowerShell script tasks with such parameters:
Add Arguments (optional):
-File C:\Scripts\myScript\dailyreport.ps1