Insider dell'ufficio 2202 per Finestre release notes.
Build 14931.20010 (Febbraio 4, 2022)
Notable Fixes
- We fixed an issue where a mail merge from an Outlook contact could generate an “Out of memory or system resources” errore.
- We fixed an issue where Table of Contents page numbers changed to a single digit when the document was in Print Preview mode.
- We fixed an issue where the menu icons in the ribbon looked misplaced.
Notable Fixes
- We fixed an issue where clicking the Accessibility checker pane no longer switches focus to the Accessibility ribbon if the user has navigated away from the ribbon.
- We fixed a typo in an alert that would appear when a formula was too long.
- We fixed an issue that would occur when there were hidden fields in a PivotTable.
- We fixed an issue where the menu icons in the ribbon looked misplaced.
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue where the menu icons in the ribbon looked misplaced.
Notable Fixes
- We fixed an issue where Outlook would not sync the complete folder hierarchy for mailboxes with a large number of folders (e.g., more than 10,000 folders).
- We fixed an issue where clicking on multiple users’ contact cards in the organization chart view caused the app to stop responding.
- We fixed an issue where a delegate was unable to tell which manager’s shared calendar they were in when opening the calendar from a meeting invite in the new REST-based calendar sharing model.
- We fixed an issue where the Join button was not available when one instance of a meeting series was changed to a Squadre meeting.
- We fixed an issue where the user would lose data when deleting an “empty” folder that contained data on the server side; a warning will now appear in this scenario.
- We fixed an issue (affecting 64-bit client machines only) where the app stopped responding when forwarding an RTF email.
Notable Fixes
- We fixed an issue so that users can now save projects to the Project Web Application, even if the resources in the offline file have names that match enterprise resources.
- We fixed an issue where users were getting into a state where saving would not work. This fix allows users to always be able to save their work.
Office Suite
Notable Fixes
- We fixed an issue that caused text to render incorrectly when using the small caps feature.
- We fixed an issue where, after the user received access to the visual refresh, a one-time popup (upon initial opening of Office apps) was not enabled as expected per the Coming Soon feature’s group policy setting.
Build 14922.20000 (Gennaio 26, 2022)
Notable Fixes
- We fixed an issue by changing non-white background colors that exactly matched highlight colors to have the highlight property.
- We fixed an issue where, upon selecting a specific page using the navigation pane, only the first part of the page was displayed in print layout mode.
- We fixed an issue where performance with large documents was slower in Word 365 O Finestre 10 than in Word 2013 O Finestre 7.
- We fixed an issue that updated the case statements to correspond to the data size.
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue where the formatting of filtered charts would change after being saved in Excel for the web.
Notable Fixes
- We fixed an issue where, if a user changed the From field with no alterations made to the new compose, the label justification prompt was incorrectly shown.
- We fixed an issue where Outlook would merge contact information when the RunContactLinking regkey was set to 0.
- We fixed an issue where the Appointment Quick View (AQV) was removed from the hidden window check to enable initial scrolling.
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue where autofilters did not work if the text information in an enterprise text type field contained a question mark (?) or asterisk (*). IL errore generated was, “The entry is not valid. The test value cannot be used with the field for the data you want to find or filter for.” Autofilters now allow the inclusion of values with reserved characters.
Office Suite
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue in existing WOPI protocol to support real-time coauthoring, where if a client lock on a document expires when attempting to refresh it, the client will acquire the lock.
Build 14912.20000 (Gennaio 21, 2022)
Improved Power BI-connected PivotTables
Many users have requested improvements for PivotTables connected to Potenza BI datasets, enabling easy drag-and-drop aggregations by dragging fields into the Values area of the PivotTable. Now they’re here! This work builds on recent improvements that make it easier to create Power BI-connected PivotTables without having to leave Excel.
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue where an errore appeared on closing any document containing a list style with the “New documents based on this template” option enabled.
Notable Fixes
- We fixed an issue where the list of folders in Outlook stopped responding to mouse clicks after a contact profile card was opened.
- We fixed an issue where a hyperlinked URL didn’t change automatically when there was a change in the shared OneDrive link using Outlook.
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue where some SQL Server drivers would show the errore “String data, right truncation (#0)” when a user tried to add more than 8,000 bytes worth of data to a varchar(max) campo.
Office Suite
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue where some default applications disappeared after the monthly Office update.
Gennaio 14, 2022 | Version 2202 (Build 14907.20000)
Improved coauthoring error recovery experience
Collaborating with others while working in Word is a vital productivity tool for many users, and disruptions can be extremely frustrating. We’ve now developed an improved recovery experience to quickly restore users back to a connected state after experiencing coauthoring errors. This automatic refresh synchronizes all changes among different authors, so you’re seeing the most up-to-date document possible.
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue that caused the app to close unexpectedly when selecting Go to Comment for the first comment in a document.
Send emails from a proxy account
You asked for it! Outlook has traditionally supported receiving email at addresses other than your default address (known as a proxy address, or alias). Now you can send mail from those proxy accounts as well by choosing the desired outgoing address. To use this feature, clic Casa > New Email. In the message window, click the arrow on the right side of the From button and choose Manage List. You can then add additional From addresses to the dropdown menu. Once that’s done, click the address you want to send the email from (via the From menu). Compose your email, and then click the Send pulsante. Note that your tenant admin must enable this feature to make it available to users.
Notable Fixes
- We fixed an issue with Outlook Search that caused incomplete results when using the OnPrem service search.
- We fixed an issue where a message using Digital Rights Management (DRM) could not be opened.
Facilitate your data validation with AutoComplete for dropdown lists
Dropdown lists are a handy way to make data entry and validation more efficient in Excel. We’ve now added AutoComplete functionality, which automatically compares the text typed in a cell to all items in the dropdown list and displays only the items that match. You’ll spend less time scrolling through lists, dealing with data validation errors, or writing complex code to handle this task.
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue where linked images might not load when opening a presentation programmatically in window-less mode.
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue that would prevent multiple users from opening a database when using network paths that include DFS Namespaces, short file names, or mapped drives. Learn more
Word, Eccellere, PowerPoint
Notable Fix
- We fixed an issue with SVG files exported from Visio not displaying text correctly.