Insider dell'ufficio 2209 per Finestre release notes
Build 15629.20058 (settembre 9, 2022)
- Prevent data leaks more easily with the new Sensitivity toolbar: Sensitivity labels powered by Microsoft Purview Information Protection are now displayed alongside the filename in the app’s title bar, allowing you to easily recognize and adhere to your organization’s policies. The sensitivity toolbar is also available while saving new documents or renaming existing ones, helping you keep information security at your fingertips.
- Excel PivotTable version compatibility user messaging: Excel now gives alerts about PivotTable compatibility issues and provides informative documentation and workarounds. When your version of Excel is unable to read data in a workbook, we present users with documentation that provides options to proactively troubleshoot and resolve the issue. In addition, we also allow users to upload their Excel document to OneDrive so they can seamlessly open the file in Excel for the web.
- Prevent data leaks more easily with the new Sensitivity toolbar: Sensitivity labels powered by Microsoft Purview Information Protection are now displayed alongside the filename in the app’s title bar, allowing you to easily recognize and adhere to your organization’s policies. The sensitivity toolbar is also available while saving new documents or renaming existing ones, helping you keep information security at your fingertips.
- Prevent data leaks more easily with the new Sensitivity toolbar: Sensitivity labels powered by Microsoft Purview Information Protection are now displayed alongside the filename in the app’s title bar, allowing you to easily recognize and adhere to your organization’s policies. The sensitivity toolbar is also available while saving new documents or renaming existing ones, helping you keep information security at your fingertips.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue where the app closed unexpectedly when accessing files containing rich entities.
- We fixed an issue where Excel could crash when using Office Scripts to manipulate PivotTable fields.
- We fixed an issue where an Excel file could become corrupt after setting formatting (such as fill color) on some cells in a PivotTable on the row or column axis and then moving those fields to the Filter area of the PivotTable.
- We fixed an issue with the sheet navigation buttons, which were flipped when using a sheet in right-to-left orientation.
- We fixed an issue where the app would close unexpectedly when selecting errore #FIELD! cell in sheet and then opening Error checking OOUI field option for Field errors.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue that caused the Customization Quick Access Toolbar file (.exportedUI) to fail to import when the simplified ribbon was in use.
- We fixed an issue that caused users to be unable to see the Due Date on search results in Outlook Desktop.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue where the user could not click on a hyperlink in track changes.
- We fixed an issue where comments might not load.
- We fixed an issue where Word may not show the right file when all open file finestre have been minimized.
In Case You Missed It
Version 2207 (Build 15427.20000)
We added a registry key that hides the “Try the new Outlook” toggle.
Registry Key:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\General “HideNewOutlookToggle”
- 0 (default) – “Try the new Outlook” toggle, if available in selected update channel, is displayed to users.
- 1 – “Try the new Outlook” toggle is hidden.
Build 15619.20000 (agosto 26, 2022)
- Reducing unwanted fragmenting of conditional formatting rules: We are reducing fragmenting of conditional formatting rules across a contiguous cell range when pasting copied cells into that cell range.
Notable fix
- We fixed an issue where the app closed unexpectedly if memory requirements grew too rapidly when using DAO or OLEDB interfaces to read Access databases.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue where the incorrect background color was displayed on certain menu gallery items.
- We fixed an issue that prevented a user from selecting table rows and columns after selecting the Insert Table command when a Coachmark was displayed on the screen.
- We fixed an issue where the password caching function did not work with MSQuery x64 build.
Notable fix
- We fixed an accessibility issue where Narrator did not read out-of-office status when automatic replies were enabled.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue that caused cropping of pictures to not work properly.
- We fixed an issue where the user could not exit the app due to encryption rights.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue where synchronization issues were resolved when query changes were cancelled.
- We fixed an issue where the app would stop responding when saving a document that contained 3D content.
- We fixed an issue where an app would show an errore message when pasting a picture from Microsoft Paint.
- We fixed an issue where user was unable to copy rows of a table from older versions in Version History to the current version.
- We fixed an issue where when using Track Changes the app was unable to accept all changes.
- We fixed an issue where, after many documents had been closed using Task Manager and later restored when Word was open again, the View mode switcher in the status bar would be disabled in one of the documents, while being enabled in all the others.
- We fixed an issue where content in a rotated textbox became horizontal and WordArt Text Effects were suppressed when exported to PDF/A.
Office Suite
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue where when trying to save Office files or Outlook attachments to network shared path, a status message would appear and remain on screen for several minutes.
- We fixed an issue where when switching commanding modes between Toolbar (preview) and Classic, the mode switch did not apply to all active app finestre.
Build 15615.20000 (agosto 19, 2022)
- Date Support for Pivot Tables Connected to PowerBI: In PivotTables that are connected to Potenza BI datasets, dates are now supported for analysis as the data type is no longer a string. Per esempio, filtering data on specific timeframes is now possible.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue that caused the upload to OneDrive of a newly saved file to which a sensitivity label has been applied and an edit had been made, to fail.
- We fixed an issue where Excel would incorrectly use a fixed width rather than the full width space when converting text to column.
- We fixed an issue where the index variables passed to the lambda in MAKEARRAY were of the wrong type, resulting in an erroneous evaluation of the formula.
Notable fix
- We fixed an issue where linked images would not display when replying to or forwarding a message.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue where projects could no longer be opened because new task and assignment GUIDs were generated when the project was saved.
- We fixed an issue where a message was displayed erroneously warning customers about potentially unsafe links when opening a project that did not contain any links.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue where Outlook couldn’t open a message that was sent using Outlook on the web and contained a comment that was copied from Word.
- We fixed an issue that prevented changes from being merged into a shared document due a busy server errore.
Build 15606.20002 (agosto 12, 2022)
- Assign Tasks: You can facilitate collaboration and stay organized by creating and assigning tasks directly from within your Word document using @mentions in comments. The people you assign the tasks to will receive email notifications, letting them know they need to take action. Ready to give it a try? Open an existing document stored on OneDrive O SharePoint. Highlight the text that contains the information you want to comment on, selezionare New Comment, write your comment and type @ followed by the name of the team member you want to tag. Poi, press Ctrl + Entra A inviare your comment and select the Assign to check box to convert your comment into a task.
Office Suite
- User-defined permissions now support dominio name restrictions: When you choose a sensitivity label configured for user-defined permissions, they can now use dominio names to restrict file access to specific individuals, or to all individuals from that dominio. Per esempio, you can specify “” or “,” and permissions will be restricted based on those parameters.
Notable fix
- We fixed an issue affecting only Japanese language users that caused macros to no longer work.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue affecting only Hebrew language users where the Resources tab within the Task Information dialog box didn’t display the four expected columns within the grid.
- We fixed an issue where inaccurate actual cost values could be viewed and reported when the timescale was modified.
Notable fixes
- We fixed an issue in the business bar during merge conflict.
- We fixed an issue where outdated property values may be displayed under File > Info.
Office Suite
Notable fix
- We fixed an issue where the Date Modified field was updated in SharePoint when the file was opened but not modified.