Office insider for iOS.
Version 2.33 (19123100) Dicembre 31, 2019
Suggested Replies
Give those tired thumbs a rest! Tap a suggestion to jump-start your reply for some emails. Don’t worry, you’ll have the chance to edit your response before it’s sent. Suggested replies appear at the bottom of an email above the reply box. This feature is only available in English (en-us), Spanish (es-419), and Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR).
Create account
Take charge of your inbox by creating a brand new account to manage and curate your life. It’s never been easier to add your iCloud, Yahoo!, and Gmail accounts to create a home base where you can direct you’re personal and work email conversations and calendar.
Meeting Insights > From Event Details Page
Always show up prepared. Emails and documents that are relevant to your meeting or appointment are included in the Calendar event description.