Tag: Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft Teams roundup July 2020

Microsoft Teams roundup July 2020. What’s New: Meetings & Calling & Devices

Insider dell'ufficio 2006 per Windows

Insider dell'ufficio 2006 for Windows release notes. Build 12920.20000 (Maggio 29, 2020)…

Insider dell'ufficio 2005 per Windows

Insider dell'ufficio 2005 for Windows release notes. Build 12829.20000 (Maggio 8, 2020)…

Office Insider for iOS Version 2.38

Office Insider for iOS Version 2.38. Aggiornamento 200601 (Giugno 2, 2020 ) Word

Insider dell'ufficio 2004 per Windows

Insider dell'ufficio 2004 per Windows. Build 12730.20024 (aprile 10, 2020) Eccellere, Word, Outlook,…

Insider dell'ufficio 2003 per Windows

Insider dell'ufficio 2003 for Windows release notes. Build 12624.20086 (Marzo 6, 2020) Outlook

Insider dell'ufficio 1910 per Windows

Insider dell'ufficio 1910 per Windows. Build 12126.20000 (ottobre 11, 2019) Excel Notable

OneDrive and other Office Mobile Apps updated on mobile devices

OneDrive and other Office Mobile Apps updated on mobile devices. OneDrive Refreshed

SharePoint Server 2019 and OneDrive

SharePoint Server 2019 and OneDrive what`s new. SharePoint Server 2019 brings several

SharePoint Server 2019 Preview Available

SharePoint Server 2019 Preview Available. It provides a first look at a