Troubleshooting SCCM Application Deployment: Software Not Found 오류. Today I encounter the next problem with SCCM Application Deployment.
Translated 오류 “The software could not be found on any servers at this time“.
First of all, you must check all your Boundry Groups. Also, check content health at 분포 지점. But this is not the only answer. In my case, there are no problems with Boundary Groups, there is an 오류 in deployment themselves.
This is the correct option that works;
But in non-worked deployment 설치 프로그램 parameter has next;
One missed letter “v” between “SkypeSetup” and “730.msi” destroy all deployments).
What can cause this 오류 ~에 소프트웨어 센터 ~을 위한 시스템 센터 구성 관리자 deployments: