Configuration Manager Content Library Cleanup Tool: How to Use and Requirements. Beginning with version 1702, you can use a command-line tool (ContentLibraryCleanup.exe) to remove content that is no longer associated with any package or application from a distribution point (orphaned content). This tool is called the content library cleanup tool and replaces older versions of similar tools released for past Configuration Manager products.
The tool only affects the content on the distribution point that you specify when you run the tool. The tool cannot remove content from the content library on the site server.
You can find ContentLibraryCleanup.exe in de %CM_Installation_Path%\cd.latest\SMSSETUP\TOOLS\ContentLibraryCleanup\ folder on the site server at a central administration site or primary site.
SCCM Content Library Cleanup Tool Requirements
- You can run the content library cleanup tool directly on the computer that hosts the distribution point or remotely from another server
- You can run the tool from a single distribution point at a time
- You will need to have Full Administrator RBAC Role and the “All” Security scope in the Configuration Manager hierarchy
Running the Tool
You can run the tool in 2 modi: What-If mode and Verwijderen mode.I will start by specifying the /what-if switch. This mode allows you to identify the content that would be deleted from the distribution point.1. On your Primary site, open an administrative command prompt and go to the ContentLibraryCleanup map (see full path above);
2. If you run ContentLibraryCleanup.exe without arguments you will get /hulp;
3. Loop:
ContentLibraryCleanup.exe /what-f /dp <DPServerName>
4. After completion you get log file with information about clean-up (if you run it with /delete switch);