How to Create a New Computer Object in Aktywny katalog: Przewodnik krok po kroku.
The Active Directory Computer Object
Computer objects are used to uniquely identify and manage Windows-based domena clients within Aktywny katalog. They are used to specify computer names, locations, properties, and access rights. Computer objects can be created in Serwer Windows 2016 Aktywny katalog by using the Aktywny katalog Users and Computers (przynieść) konsola. ADUC is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that allows for centrally managing objects within Aktywny katalog.
ADUC is installed by default on Okna Servers with the Aktywny katalog Domena Usługi (ADDS) role enabled. Dodatkowo, any Okna client can run ADUC by installing the Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT). RSAT is commonly installed on Okna clients for system administrators to perform job tasks.
Create Computer object with Active Directory Users and Computers console (przynieść)
1. Uruchom swoje Aktywny katalog – users & computers konsola (from Domena Controller or Client PC, Na przykład, Okna 10 with RSAT). Go to target “Organization Unit (by expanding your tree);
2. Prawy przycisk myszy kliknij na Organization Unit or in the Organization Unit (on free space) i wybierz New, after in list select Computer;
3. Next fill parameters:
“Computer name” – the name of the device in a domena (future device name). In accordance with your corporate politics about devices names;
“User or Group” – select, who join the device to the domena (credentials entered on the device when joining to the domena);
After fill parameters – press OK;
4. Check completed steps;
Create the computer object with Dsadd.exe
The Dsadd.exe utility enables you to create computer objects from the command line, just as you created user objects earlier in this lesson. You can create a batch file of Ddsadd.exe commands to generate multiple objects in one process. The basic syntax for creating a computer object by using Dsadd.exe is as follows:
dsadd computer <ComputerDN>
BAT (Batchfile)The <ComputerDN> parameter specifies a distinguished name for the new computer object you want to create. The DNs use the same format as those in CSV files, as discussed earlier.
Create the computer object with Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell includes the New-ADComputer cmdlet, which you can use to create computer objects with the following basic syntax. This cmdlet creates computer objects, but it does not join them to a domena.
New-ADComputer -Name <computer name> -Path <distinguished name>