PowerShell Zapowiedź 7 Install and Upgrade.
NOTATKA: At this moment PowerShell 7 available as Preview 5.
In this post, we make two things:
- Zainstalować Okna PowerShell 7
- Upgrade to Okna PowerShell 7 from PowerShell Core
Install Windows PowerShell 7 Zapowiedź
PowerShell 7 is available cross-platform. It can be installed on Okna, macOS, Linuksa, and others.
Installing via GitHub
You’ll first need to pobierać PowerShell 7 z PowerShell GitHub repo releases page (Zapowiedź 5 at this moment).
To install it manually from the GitHub repo, you can find the version you’d like to install and find the Assets section. Następnie, find the operating system you’d like to install it on.
Pobierać this file and walk through the installation.
Installing via Script
Aby zainstalować PowerShell 7 from Okna PowerShell, you can use a PowerShell scenariusz (install-powershell.ps1) provided by Microsoft. You can pobierać and run this script in one shot using this simple one-liner. As you can see below, this method creates a folder in your TEMP directory and pobierać the latest version of PowerShell.
This is, by far, the easiest way to get PowerShell 7 up and running quickly.
Invoke-Expression "& { $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1) } -UseMSI -Preview -Quiet"
This one will execute a script from the GitHub page to automatically pobierać and install the latest preview version.
There are a few different parameters that can be used to install different versions:
„Zapowiedź” – This is required to install PS 7 preview. If not included you will get the latest release of PS 6.
„Daily” will give you the latest daily build. This is A very bleeding edge and may include more bugs.
„Destination” allows you to pick a different install folder. The default path in Okna is “C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7”
„DoNotOverwrite” can be used to not overwrite the destination folder if it already exists. If you want to update from a previous release/preview of PowerShell 7 you should not use this.
„Quiet” will install without using the wizard.
„AddToPath” does different things based on the OS:
- On Okna, add the absolute destination path to the ‘User’ scope environment variable ‘Path’;
- On Linux, make the symlink ‘/usr/bin/pwsh’ points to “$Destination/pwsh”;
- On MacOS, make the symlink ‘/usr/local/bin/pwsh’ points to “$Destination/pwsh”.
Upgrade to Windows PowerShell 7 from PowerShell Core
Gdy PowerShell 7 comes out of Preview, the GA version will create a folder called 7. This will then be where all minor version upgrades to PowerShell 7 will be applied overwriting the last version.
When the PowerShell 7 installer completes, you’ll find two folders in C:\Program Files\PowerShell called 6 I 7-preview (for the preview version). Each folder stores a completely different version.
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell\'
Directory: C:\Program Files\PowerShell
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 11/20/2019 11:36 AM 7-preview