Skype'a 8.55 release notes.
here are some cool new features in this release like Skype Meet Now, plus we’ve delivered fixes, for example with split view on Skype for desktop. You asked we delivered!
What is Meet Now and how do I use it in Skype?
Meet Now in Skype allows you to easily set up a collaboration space and invite both Skype contacts and friends or family who are not on Skype. Participants can then easily join meetings whether they have an account or not.
How do I create a meeting?
Starting your meeting is as easy as signing in to Skype and selecting the Meet Now przycisk. You’ll get a call link and a Share invite button to easily to invite others. Once you’re ready, set your call to audio or video and select the Start call przycisk.
NOTATKA: Creating a meeting is not available in Skype for Web.
How do I join a call with my Meet Now invitation?
Our unique Meet Now link will open your installed Skype app on any device. Even if you’re not signed in, you can join the call or chat as a guest. If you don’t have Skype installed on your desktop, we will open our Skype for Web client for your convenience. If you’d like, you can install Skype on your device as well.
What can I do during a meeting?
During a meeting you can:
A – Open recent chats.
B – View participants currently in the call.
C – Share the Meet Now link.
D – Start recording the call.
E – Mute or unmute the microphone.
F – Turn video on or off.
G – End the call.
H – Open the conversation.
I – Share the screen.
J – Send a reaction to the call.
K – View More options.
Can I still access the Meet Now chat after the meeting?
The Meet Now link is accessible anytime you need it. We will hold your call recordings for up to 30 days and media shared in the chat even longer. Meet Now in Skype is perfect for your conference calls, webinars or work interviews.
Full changelog:
Skype for Okna, Prochowiec, Linux and Web
- Don’t wait. Meet Now on Skype: With Meet Now you can quickly and easily create a meeting and invite anyone (even if they aren’t on Skype) just by sharing a link.
- Send a message with tone: Is text losing your tone? You can now send a voice message in Skype instead. Również, feel free to show off that guitar riff you just learned.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements: We smashed some bugs, but a quick trip through the car wash cleaned the windshield quite nicely.
Skype for Android, iPhone and iPad
- Don’t wait. Meet Now on Skype: With Meet Now you can quickly and easily create a meeting and invite anyone (even if they aren’t on Skype) just by sharing a link.
- Do more with your camera: Skype for Android users now have the ability to scan and send documents (or even notes on a whiteboard) in addition to other photo and video personalization enhancements. Również, send the receipt for last night’s tab to your friends – they owe you, make sure they don’t forget!
- Bug fixes and stability improvements: We smashed some bugs, but a quick trip through the car wash cleaned the windshield quite nicely.
What’s fixed?
- The Skype system tray icon on desktop is showing correctly after startup
- Brazil time zone is now showing correctly
- Settings window correctly reopens when minimized
- Split view mode persists between sign ins
- Split view can be enabled and disabled in the Appearance settings also
- Added support for System Dark Theme detection on Okna 10
- Location sharing in split view mode now works as expected
- App notarized for macOS 10.15