Office Insider for Windows Version 1908 (Build 11916.20000) available.
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
New feature:
Accessibility Checker reminders when creating PDFs
PDFs can be difficult for people with disabilities to read if the source Office document is not accessible before saving to PDF. The Accessibility Checker can remind people who create PDFs to investigate recommendations on what would make the PDF more usable for people with disabilities. Agora, when you create a PDF by clicking Arquivo > Save As or File > Export, the accessibility checker will notify users to investigate issues.
How to enable:
Selecione o Check accessibility while I work check box by either clicking Review > Check Accessibility ou Arquivo > Options > Ease of Access.
Scenarios to try:
- Convert a document into PDF by clicking File > Save As or File > Export.
- Follow the prompt to investigate accessibility checker issues.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where file type association and icons for Office could sometimes break after an Office update.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where file type association and icons for Office could sometimes break after an Office update.
- We fixed an issue where moving a chart could sometimes result in a crash.
- We fixed an issue where to get Workbook object from Chart object after changing chart types could sometimes result in an erro.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where file type association and icons for Office could sometimes break after an Office update.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where file type association and icons for Office could sometimes break after an Office update.
- We fixed an issue where in simplified ribbon, a disabled control could sometimes not be greyed out in the ribbon.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where file type association and icons for Office could sometimes break after an Office update.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where file type association and icons for Office could sometimes break after an Office update.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where file type association and icons for Office could sometimes break after an Office update.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where file type association and icons for Office could sometimes break after an Office update.