PowerShell Diretório Ativo User Group membership. I got the task:
- Check if the AD Users are members of AD Group;
- If users doesn’t members of this AD Group – add them to the AD Group.
P. S. Probably, it is incorrectly written in English – you may correct me in the comments below.
To complete this task, I wrote the next script:
#create array with users from multiple OU and add filter "user AD object enabled".
$ouArray += Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=<your OU name>,OU=<your OU name>,OU=<your OU name>,DC=<your domain name>,DC=<your domain name>,DC=<your domain name>" -Filter {enabled -eq $true}
$ouArray += Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=<your OU name>,OU=<your OU name>,OU=<your OU name>,DC=<your domain name>,DC=<your domain name>,DC=<your domain name>" -Filter {enabled -eq $true}
#declare AD Group for search
$group = "<your group name>"
#declare AD Group for second task - add membership
$group2 = Get-ADGroup "CN=<your group name>,OU=<your OU name>,OU=<your OU name>,DC=<your domain name>,DC=<your domain name>,DC=<your domain name>"
#check membership
$members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Recursive | Select -ExpandProperty sAMAccountName
$ouArray | ForEach-Object {
$user = $_.sAMAccountName
If ($members -contains $user)
} Else
#if users doesn't exist in AD Group - add them to AD Group
#also you may test this part with next string
#Write-host "$user not exist in group"
Add-ADGroupMember $group2 –Member $user