Tag: Ubuntu

Windows Terminal Preview v0.9

Windows Terminal Preview v0.9. Command Line Arguments The wt execution alias now supports command

PowerShell 7.0 Generally Available

PowerShell 7.0 Generally Available. What is PowerShell 7? PowerShell 7 is the

Windows Terminal Preview v0.8

Windows Terminal Preview v0.8. Search Search functionality has been added to the

Windows Terminal Preview v0.7

Windows Terminal Preview v0.7. Panes You are now able to split your

Ubuntu remove Nvidia Cuda drivers

Ubuntu remove Nvidia Cuda drivers. Want to remove the installed earlier and

Como executar arquivos de script de shell no Windows 10 Usando WSL

Como executar arquivos de script de shell no Windows 10 Usando WSL. Bash is

Como instalar o Apache no Ubuntu: Guia passo a passo

Como instalar o Apache no Ubuntu: Guia passo a passo. 1. Start by updating

How to Enable Nvidia SLI on Ubuntu for Optimal Gaming Performance

How to Enable Nvidia SLI on Ubuntu for Optimal Gaming Performance. By

How to Check Timezone in Linux

How to Check Timezone in Linux. Maintaining proper time management is crucial