Manager de configurare Current Branch 1802 KB4339794.
After you update to Windows 10, version 1803 (also known as the Windows 10 April 2018 Update), Microsoft System Center Manager de configurare clients can’t download Windows express installation files for updates. This issue occurs in Manager de configurare current branch, version 1802.
Additionally, eroare messages that resemble the following are recorded in the WUAHandler.log file on the client:
Download complete callback: download result oPCode = 4
Unexpected HRESULT for downloading complete: 0x80246002
Successfully canceled running content download.
If you try to download this update through an Alternate Content Provider, the CAS.log file contains entries that resemble the following:
Failed to open file c:\windows\ccmcache\{file_name} with error [32].
CheckExclusiveFileAccessAndSetFilePermissions failed for c:\windows\ccmcache\{file_name}
Failed to do hash verification with preference : 4. Try to verify at next hash algorithm
Download failed for content Content_{guid} under context System, error 0x80091007
Download failed for download request {download_guid}
The update that this article describes also fixes an issue that affects client-state message processing. If the client is set to a non-English locale, or if state messages are received out of order, the correct message may not be processed. Additionally, an eroare message that resembles the following is recorded in the statesys.log file on the site server: