How to Change Manager de configurare Site Name: Two Easy Methods.
Method 1: Using SQL Management Studio
- Launch SQL Server Management Studio. Click Connect and that should show the SQL server. Expand Databases and then extinde the site database.
- Expand Tables and look for a table named dbo.SC_SiteDefinition. Right-click dbo.SC_SiteDefinition și faceți clic Edit Top 200 Rows.
- On the right pane, look for a column called SiteName. The name displayed under SiteName is your current site name.
- There is no restart required after making the above changes. Close the SCCM console and reopen the console. Navigate to Administrare > Prezentare generală > Site Configuration > Site-uri. Select the server, right click and click Proprietăți. Check the new name.
Method 2: Using PowerShell and WMI
- Create an object of the SiteDefinition that we want to change.
- Change the property SiteName to our new name.
- Save the changes.
param (
function Change-SiteName {
$Site = Get-WmiObject -Class SMS_SCI_SiteDefinition -Namespace root/SMS/site_$($SiteCode) -ComputerName $SiteServer | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.SiteCode -eq $SiteCode}
$Site.SiteName = $SiteName
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass .\ChangeSiteName_v1_0.ps1 -SiteCode <SiteCode> -SiteServer <SiteServer> -SiteName <SiteName>