Install SQL Server Management Studio. There is no built-in SQL Server Management Studio în SQL Server installation, you must install it separately.
Starting SQL Server 2016, Microsoft has separated the installation of SQL Server 2016 Management Studio (SSMS) from the standard SQL Server Installation Process. The new version of SSMS 2016 can be used to connect from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2016 including Azure SQL Database. Most importantly, the new version can be installed side by side with any older version of SSMS.
1. When you click Install SQL Server Management Tools în SQL Server Installation Centre it will take you to Download Center. You can also download SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2016 directly Download SQL Server Management Studio from the site. Run it for installation;
The SQL Server Management Studio installation will install the .NET Framework 4.6.1 as well as the Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Isolated) components. After the successful installation of SSMS 2016 you will be prompted to reboot the system to complete the installation.
2. Click the Install button;
3. Installation starts;
4. After installation is complete click the Close button;
5. Go to your apps list and find Microsoft SQL Management Studio. Run it;
6. When the application starts you can connect to your target SQL Instance;