电源外壳 Users not getting GPO. As a simple method – use the group policy modeling wizard to show you which users will receive a group policy.
GPO stands for Group Policy Object, which is a feature in Microsoft 视窗 that allows administrators to manage computer and user settings in an organization. If users are not getting the GPO, it could be due to several reasons. Here are a few things to check:
- Verify that the GPO is applied correctly: Make sure that the GPO is linked to the correct organizational unit (OU) and that the user is a member of that OU. You can use the Group Policy Results Wizard or the Group Policy Modeling Wizard to check if the GPO is applied correctly.
- Check the security filtering: Ensure that the user or the group to which the user belongs has permission to read and apply the GPO. You can check the security filtering in the GPO settings.
- Check network connectivity: The user might not be getting the GPO because of network connectivity issues. Make sure that the user’s computer is connected to the network and can communicate with the 领域 controller.
- Verify 域名系统 settings: Ensure that the user’s computer is using the correct 域名系统 服务器. 如果 域名系统 server is not configured correctly, the user’s computer might not be able to locate the 领域 controller.
- Check for conflicting GPOs: If there are conflicting GPOs, the user might not get the settings that you want to apply. Check for any conflicting GPOs in the OU or at the 领域 level.
If this is not helped to you, then use this script (change for yourself data before use):
$ReportFile = "C:\Temp\GPOApplicationReport.CSV"
$STR = "GPO Name, GPO Status, Domain"
Add-Content $ReportFile $STR
$ThisDomain = "contoso.com"
$TotNotAppliedGPO=Get-GPO -All -Domain $ThisDomain -Server $PDCServerToConnect | %{
$gpoName = $_.displayName
$GPOStatusNow = $_.GPOStatus
[int]$counter = 0
$security = $_.GetSecurityInfo()
$security | where{ $_.Permission -eq "GpoApply" } | %{
$counter += 1
if ($counter -eq 0)
Add-Content $ReportFile $FinalVal
IF ($TotNo -eq 0)
$TestText = "All GPOs have been configured to apply to required objects."
$TestText = "Some GPOs are NOT applying to any objects. Please check why these GPOs are not applying to any objects. These GPOs might have some policy settings that you are expecting to apply to users and computers."