Configuration Manager an error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer 0x80004005
The smsts.log file:
unknown host (gethostbyname failed).
sending with winhttp failed; 80072ee7.
Failed to get client identity (80072ee7).
Failed to request for client TSPxe.
SyncTimeWithMP() failed. 80072ee7.
Failed to get time information from MP: http://MPserverFQDN.
An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer (0x80004005).
For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.
RegOpenKeyExW is unsuccessful for Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence.
GetTsRegValue() is unsuccessful. 0x80070002.
TS environment not initialized
The error SyncTimeWithMP() failed 80072ee7 should give you clear info that there is some issue with time synchronization. Ensure that the time in BIOS matches the time in the forest where the SCCM server is located.