Step-by-Step Guide: Installing SQL Server 2016 for Configuration Manager Deployment.
Some Preparation:
- Install .Net 3.5 Feature (with Server Manager or with PowerShell, I choose PowerShell)
Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core
- Create rules in Windows Firewall for SCCM connection (I use static port 14331 for DB and 8080 for reporting, also, I’m added standard TCP and UDP ports);
- Create an Active Directory 3 service accounts:
sqlsccmagent – sql agent
sqlsccmsvc – sql service
sqlsccmrep – sql reporting services
- Add all 3 accounts to Local Group Administrators on SQL system;
- Also, I create (add) two disks (1 for SCCM DATA DBs and 1 for Temp DBs);
- Create some folders in SCCM-DATA;
- Install SQL Management Studio (Management Studio doesn’t include in SQL Server 2016 installation).
- Mount *.iso or insert DVD with SQL Server distributive. Go to the SQL folder and run the setup.exe with Run as administrator;
2. For Installation click on New SQL server standalone installation or add features to an existing installation;
3. For Product Key enter your product key and click Next (or you may choose Evaluation version);
4. For License Terms read and accept (by settings check mark I accept the license terms) the license terms, click Next;
5. For Global Rules rule check begin;
6. For Microsoft Update, if you have an internet connection, set the checkmark Use Microsoft Update to check for updates (recommended) and click Next;
7. In my case, it finds some updates, I select it and click Next;
8. Wait to check Install Setup Files;
9. For Install Rules Windows Firewall Warning state normal, click Next;
10. For Feature Selection select Database Engine Services, Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search og Reporting Services;
11. Also, as you see, there are no Management Tools. Click Next;
12. For Instance Configuration, you may use Default Instance or (like I do) create a new Named Instance. Click Next;
13. For Server Configuration enter Services Accounts with passwords. Go to the Collation tab;
14. You must use SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. Click Next;
15. For Database Engine Configuration in the Server Configuration tab select Windows authentication mode and add Current User, og Local Administrators Group;
16. In Data Directories, you may change the directories path (like I do);
17. For TempDB you also may change Directories and make some configurations. When complete, click Next;
18. For Reporting Services Configuration choose to Install only, we configure it later. Click Next;
19. For Ready to Install check yourself and click Install;
20. Installation begins;
21. For Complete click Close and reboot the system;
Thank you for the article. I get to the part about adding the three accounts and I do not have the services container. I am not able to find much information on it. I ran adprep again thinking it might add it but it did not. Is this container built by default in AD?
AD container “Service accounts” and sub-container “SQL” not exist by default. You can create service accounts in OU “Users” or create some hierarchy, like I