Trin-for-trin guide: Installation af SQL Server 2017 for System Center Orchestrator 2016.
BEMÆRK: This is a LAB installation, don’t repeat it in production!
Some preparation:
- jeg skaber 2 service accounts for SQL Server (sql01svc og sql01agent) in Active Directory, tilføje sql01svc to Administrators security group;
- Create a separate logical disk for SQL Server databases.
Installation process
- Start SQL 2017 installation;
2. Naviger til Installationog vælgNew SQL Server stand-alone installation…;
3. Choose edition and click Næste;
4. Read and accept license terms, klik Næste;
5. In my case and don’t select Update check, click Next;
6. There is now Internet on this machine so the error is normal, klik Næste;
7. As you may see there is now no .Net 3.5 requirement anymore, klik Næste;
8. Select the feature that you need, klik Næste;
9. Vælg Default instance or create Named, klik Næste;
10. Enter your service accounts for services and navigate to the Collation fanen;
11. Ensure that the collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, og klik Næste;
12. Tilføje SQL Server administratorer og naviger til the Data Directories fanen;
13. You can change paths (ligesom mig) or leave by default, navigere til the TempDB fanen;
14. Lave om Vejviser or leave by default and click Next;
15. When ready, klik Installere;
16. When the installation completes, klik Tæt;
BEMÆRK: Don’t forget to change the SQL port from dynamic to static and open it on Windows Firewall, and install SQL Management Studio on some machines.