SCCM 2012 Technische Vorschau.
Windows 10 Servicing dashboard changes
We’ve simplified the Windows 10 Servicing dashboard to make it more relevant. The new Quality Update Versions chart displays the top five revisions of Windows 10 across your devices. Der Latest Feature Update chart shows the number of devices that installed the latest feature update. Der Windows 10 Usage chart, showing the distribution of Windows 10 major releases, was renamed to Feature Update Versions. Servicing plan and Windows 10 ring information were removed from the dashboard.
Known issues
When a build’s revision number is three digits long, you may notice an extraneous dot before the build number in the Quality Update Versions chart. When one of these builds from the chart is selected, the temporary node displaying devices with the build will be empty.
Tenant Attach: Application details
When tenant attach is enabled, the applications pane in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center will show an Fehler Beschreibung if the application status is Failed. For more information on the Fehlercode and troubleshooting steps, see Application installation common Fehler codes reference.
Get console extensions from the Community hub
The Community hub now supports sharing extensions to the Configuration Manager-Konsole. When you get an extension from the hub, it’s available in a new Console extensions node in the console. Getting an extension from the hub doesn’t make it immediately available. Erste, an administrator has to approve the extension for the site. Then console users can install the extension to their local console.
After you approve an extension, when you open the console, you’ll see a console notification. From the notification, you can start the extension installer. After the installer completes, the console restarts automatically, and then you can use the extension.
Console extension to show all status messages for a task sequence deployment
With this release, the Community hub includes one extension to help you test and use this feature: Show all status messages for a task sequence deployment
. This extension is based on your UserVoice feedback. When you install this extension, it adds a right-click action to task sequence deployments to Show all status messages.
To share a console extension with the community, use the same process to Contribute content.
Community hub support for application content
This release continues to iterate on the scenario to share apps via the Community hub. Previously you could share just the definition of the app. Another hub user could herunterladen the app’s XML metadata, and create it in their site. But to actually deploy the app, they would then need to locate the app’s content.
You can now herunterladen linked content for Windows Installer apps in the hub. This improvement helps you to easily get a fully functional app from the Konfigurationsmanager community. The hub provides an integrated link to the publicly available content for the app. When you herunterladen an app with content from the hub, it downloads both the app metadata from the hub and the MSI from its shared location outside the Community hub.
After the console downloads the file, it validates the hash. This check makes sure the content didn’t change during herunterladen. It then validates the digital signature on the MSI Datei. If it can’t verify the signature, it prompts you if you still want to import the file.
To help you test this new feature, the System Center Updates Publisher is available as an app with content in the Community hub. When you herunterladen SCUP from the Community hub, the console downloads the installer content from the Microsoft Herunterladen Center.
Task sequence error shows more check readiness details
Based on your UserVoice feedback, the task sequence progress can now display more information about readiness checks. If a task sequence fails because the client doesn’t meet the requirements configured in the Check readiness task sequence step, the user can now see more details about the failed prerequisites. They still see the common “task sequence error” message, but can now select an option to Inspect. This action shows the checks that failed on the device.
Disable application deployments
Based on your UserVoice feedback, you can now disable application deployments.
Other objects already have similar behaviors:
- Software update deployments: Disable the deployment
- Phased deployments: Suspend the phase
- Paket: Disable the program
- Task sequence: Disable the task sequence
- Configuration baseline: Disable the baseline
For device-based deployments, when you disable the deployment or object, use the client notification action to Herunterladen Computer Policy. This action immediately tells the client to update its policy from the site. If the deployment hasn’t already started, the client receives the updated policy that the object is now disabled.
Starting in this release, you can now disable an application deployment.
Access the top queries shared in the Community hub from CMPivot
You can now access the top CMPivot queries shared in the Community hub from on-premises CMPivot. By leveraging pre-created CMPivot queries shared by the broader community, CMPivot users gain access to a wider variety of queries. On-premises CMPivot accesses the Community hub and returns a list of the top downloaded CMPivot queries. Users can review the top queries, customize them, and then run on-demand. This improvement gives a wider selection of queries for immediate usage without having to construct them and also allows information sharing on how to build queries for future reference.
- Enable Community hub
- You don’t need a GitHub account to herunterladen content.
- Verify which content categories are displayed for Community hub
- Install the Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime extension from the Configuration Manager-Konsole notification
- Meet all of the CMPivot prerequisites and permissions. These queries are available when you run CMPivot aus dem Configuration Manager-Konsole. They’re not yet available from standalone CMPivot.
Improved user experience and security with Software Center custom tabs
Since Aktueller Zweig Version 1906, you can add up to five custom tabs to Software-Center. These custom tabs let you give your users easy access to common web apps and other sites. Previously, to display websites Software-Center used the Windows built-in Internet Explorer browser control.
Starting in this release, Software-Center can now use the Microsoft Edge WebView2 browser control. The WebView2 browser control provides improved security and user experience. Zum Beispiel, more websites should work with these custom tabs without displaying script errors or security warnings.
Prerequisites for Software Center custom tabs
The following components are required on the client device:
- Microsoft .NETTO Framework version 4.6.2 or later
- Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime via the Evergreen standalone installer
- In dieser Version, the user that runs Software-Center needs local Administrator rights.
OneTrace support for jump lists
Support Center OneTrace now supports jump lists for recently opened files. Jump lists let you quickly go to previously opened files, so you can work faster.
There are now three methods to open recent files in OneTrace:
- Windows taskbar jump list
- Windows Start menu recently opened list
- In OneTrace aus Datei menu or Recently opened Tab.
Windows taskbar jump list
When the OneTrace icon is on the Windows taskbar, right-click it, and then select a file from the Recently opened list.
Windows Start menu recently opened list
Gehe zum Start menu, und Typ onetrace
. Select a file from the Recently opened list.
OneTrace recently opened list
There are two locations in OneTrace that show the list of recently opened files:
- Der Recently opened tab in the lower right corner.
- Gehe zum Datei menu and select a file at the bottom of the menu.
PowerShell release notes preview
These release notes summarize changes to the Konfigurationsmanager PowerShell cmdlets in technical preview Version 2012.
For more information about PowerShell für Konfigurationsmanager, see Get started with Konfigurationsmanager cmdlets.
PowerShell module
Wenn die Configuration Manager-Konsole on the device hasn’t already connected to a site, if you manually import the ConfigurationManager module, it creates a PowerShell drive for the site based on the default SMS Provider.
New cmdlets
Get duplicate Hardware identifiers by GUID. PowerShell;
Get-CMDuplicateHardwareIdGuid -Id "AB83D231-8C12-9413-FEBA-C0F9888B9291"
Get duplicate Hardware identifiers by MAC address. PowerShell;
Get-CMDuplicateHardwareIdMacAddress -Id "60:45:BD:FB:4B:DB"
Synchronize the configuration of a CMG to Azure. PowerShell;
Sync-CMCloudManagementGateway -Name ""
Get-CMCloudManagementGateway -Id 16777 | Sync-CMCloudManagementGateway
Modified cmdlets
Bugs that were fixed
Fixed a Software-Center display issue when installing apps created with the time format “yyyy/MM/dd”.
Bugs that were fixed
Fixed an issue for parameter SanType.
Non-breaking changes
Added parameter Index. When you add this parameter, the site extracts a single index image from a multi-index image. It then places the new image in the same source folder as the original image.
Non-breaking changes
Added parameter Index. When you add this parameter, the site replaces the current multi-index image with a new single index image.
Non-breaking changes
Parameter ReferencedVariableOperator has one additional possible value: NotLike
Non-breaking changes
Parameter OperatorType has one additional possible value: NotLike
Non-breaking changes
Parameter OperatorType has one additional possible value: NotLike
Zum Beispiel, Set-CMTSStepApplyDataImage und die 34 other similar cmdlets.
Non-breaking changes
Parameter OperatorType has one additional possible value: NotLike
Breaking changes
Fixed an issue for parameter O365LanguageSelection. You now need to specify a language with a country name. This change aligns this parameter with the options in the Configuration Manager-Konsole. Zum Beispiel, -O365LanguageSelection "English (United States)"
Bugs that were fixed
Fixed an issue for parameter SanType.
Breaking changes
Fixed an issue for parameter O365LanguageSelection. You now need to specify a language with a country name. This change aligns this parameter with the options in the Configuration Manager-Konsole. Zum Beispiel, -O365LanguageSelection "English (United States)"