SCCM current branch 1802 KB4163547.
Issues that are fixed
- In System Center-Konfigurationsmanager current branch, Version 1802, conditional access compliance reporting fails for intranet clients if a proxy is required. This failure occurs even if the proxy settings are defined on the Netzwerk tab of Konfigurationsmanager properties in the client Control Panel item. Zusätzlich, errors entries that resemble the following are recorded in the ComplRelayAgent.log file on the client: [CCMHTTP] ERROR: URL={Intune CA Relay service URL}(GuidKey1={guid},GuidKey2={guid},GuidKey3={guid}, Port=443, Options=31, Code=12002, Text=ERROR_WINHTTP_TIMEOUT
- Data warehouse synchronization may be unsuccessful in large environments. The Microsoft.ConfigMgrDataWarehouse.log file contains entries that resemble the following: DATA_WAREHOUSE_SERVICE_POINT Fehler: 0 : {timestamp}: Arithmetic overflow Fehler converting expression to data type int.
- Der Configuration Manager-Konsole may terminate unexpectedly after you go to the Script Status node in the Monitoring workspace.
- Synchronization of Unified Update Platform (UUP) files may time-out on a Central Administration site or primary site.
- After you apply this update rollup, files that are associated with UUP packages will be downloaded only one time to a site server if the same file is already present in the local package source cache.
- A multicast operating system deployment task sequence that is initiated from Software Center is unsuccessful if it is used together with a Verteilungspunkt that is configured for HTTPS traffic.
- After you update to Konfigurationsmanager current branch, Version 1802, the Run Script feature does not work with spaces in the script parameters.
- After you update to Konfigurationsmanager current branch, Version 1710 or a later version, Die SMSTSDownloadProgram variable does not function as expected in conjunction with applications or software updates. This issue occurs on clients in provisioning mode. It prevents an Alternate Content Provider from being specified in the task sequence.
- SQL Server replication may be unsuccessful in a hierarchy after a secondary site is deleted and uninstalled. When this occurs, Die ConfigMgrRCMQueue replication queue is disabled, und die SQL Fehler Protokoll contains entries that resemble the following: 257, Level 16, State 3, Procedure spLogEntry, Line 0, Message: Implicit conversion from data type xml to nvarchar(max) is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
- Der Anwendungsmanagement option is not available for OneNote for Android when you deploy it in a Konfigurationsmanager Und Microsoft Intune hybrid environment.
- After you update to Konfigurationsmanager current branch, Version 1802, Software-Center settings cannot be customized from the Configuration Manager-Konsole. When you click the Customize button in the Default Settings pane, you receive an unhandled exception Fehler message that resembles the following: System.IO.InvalidDataException: Invalid format in settings xml. Das Fehler occurs if a custom logo is specified before you install the version 1802 aktualisieren.
- Management points cannot communicate with a specified Device Health Attestation service if a proxy server is required.
- The operating system is reinstalled on an existing Konfigurationsmanager Kunde, If the same host name is maintained that is registered in Azure Active Directory, Conditional Access compliance scenarios may start to fail.
- Konfigurationsmanager Data Warehouse synchronization may be unsuccessful when it processes inventory summarization. This issue can occur because the tempdb database on the server that is running SQL Server is running out of space while stored procedures are running.
- Der Konfigurationsmanager client installation may be unsuccessful in a co-management scenario. This issue can occur if the installation is initiated from Microsoft Intune to an Azure Active Directory-joined client. Zusätzlich, errors entries that resemble the following are recorded in the ccmsetup.log file on the client: Kunde Zertifikat is not provided. Failed to receive ccm message response. Status code = 401 and StatusText = ‘CMGConnector_Unauthorized’ GetDPLocations failed with Fehler 0x80004005
- Wenn die Enable clients to use a cloud management gateway option is set to NEIN in an environment that has multiple management points and cloud management gateways in use, the client cannot process any location service requests. Zusätzlich, errors entries that resemble the following are repeated in the ClientLocation.log file on the client: Cloud Management Gateway is not allowed to use on this machine, skip it. Notiz This message is intended to read, “…is not allowed to be used…”
- When you edit nested task sequences, changes that you make in a child task sequence are not automatically reflected in the parent task sequence.
- Task sequences may hang and return a status of “Installing” in Software-Center on a client. This issue occurs if there is insufficient space in the Konfigurationsmanager Client-Cache, and the currently cached content is 24 hours old or newer.
- Content may not distribute to a cloud-based Verteilungspunkt if the package contains several hundred files (Zum Beispiel, an Endpoint Protection Definition Update). Zusätzlich, the PkgXferMgr.log file contains errors entries that resemble the following: Caught exception System.ServiceModel.ServerTooBusyException – The HTTP service located at https://{source_url} is unavailable. This could be because the service is too busy or because no endpoint was found listening at the specified address. Please ensure that the address is correct and try accessing the service again later.
- Synchronization of updates to a remote Software Update Point may be unsuccessful if hundreds of files are being imported. Zum Beispiel, this issue may occur when you import Microsoft Surface drivers. Zusätzlich, errors entries that resemble the following are recorded in the wsyncmgr.log file, and the synchronization process fails 15 minutes after it starts: Generic exception : ImportUpdateFromCatalogSite failed. Arg = {guid}. Fehler =Thread was being aborted.
- Der herunterladen of express installation files for Windows 10 may time out in some environments. This issue can occur when Delivery Optimization (DO) or the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) are throttled. Zusätzlich, messages that resemble the following are recorded in the DeltaDownload.log file: Herunterladen timed out after 5 Minuten. Cancelling herunterladen job.
- Uninstall content for an application is not updated in the content library. This issue occurs if the content is modified after the original deployment type is created.
- Applications may not install through a task sequence in environments that use a management point that is configured for HTTPS traffic and have a cloud management gateway enabled.
- After a restart, an installation of a Windows Feature Update, wie zum Beispiel Windows 10 Version 1803, durch Windows Software Update Services (WSUS) may be reported as having failed. Fehler 0x80070422 is displayed in Software-Center even though the operation was successful. Zusätzlich, errors entries that resemble the following are recorded in the WUAHandler.log file: Failed to query IsRebootRequiredBeforeInstall property of WUA UpdateInstaller. Fehler = 0x80070422.
- When the Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule cmdlet is used to add a client resource to an existing collection, it may unexpectedly remove nested Include or Exclude membership rules. This causes the collection to contain incorrect clients.
- After you upgrade to Konfigurationsmanager current branch, Version 1802, Die Export-CMDriverPackage cmdlet may not correctly generate the expected driver package.
- Der New-CMCloudDistributionPoint cmdlet may be unsuccessful, and you receive errors messages that resemble the following: The WriteObject and WriteError methods cannot be called from outside the overrides of the BeginProcessing, ProcessRecord, and EndProcessing methods, and they can only be called from within the same thread.
- Der New-CMCloudManagementGateway cmdlet may be unsuccessful, and you receive errors messages that resemble the following: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
- Der New-CMBootableMedia cmdlet does not create valid subfolders. Zusätzlich, the CreateTSMedia.log file contains errors entries that resemble the following: Output directory “C:\\Folder1\\Folder2\” does not exist.
- After you connect to a client through a Remote Control session and you the Keyboard Translation feature enabled, the language bar on the client is no longer visible. It can be restored after you Protokoll off and back on, or by making a change to the keyboard language through Control Panel.
- The Endpoint Protection Client does not install on Windows 10 ARM-based devices.