Desarrollador de borde 81 disponible.
Actualizar 81.0.416.3 (Febrero 11, 2020)
Added features:
- Added blue color to the account button in InPrivate ventanas as suggested by user feedback.
- Added a tool on the Favorites management page to remove duplicate favorites.
- Enabled Collections sync for all channels that currently have Collections available.
- Added the ability to highlight text in PDFs.
- Added support for web-optimized PDFs that descargar one page at a time as they’re viewed.
- Added a feature to Immersive Reader to focus on only one or a few lines at a time.
- Added a dialog to inform users when an extension is disabled because it has the ability to change settings (new tab page, search provider, etc.)
- Added a message when a user tries to use IE mode and Internet Explorer isn’t installed.
- Added support for syncing the “Sign in automatically” setting under edge://settings/passwords.
- Added an option in edge://settings/profiles/multiProfileSettings to choose a default profile to use when opening links in external applications.
- Added a management policy controlling the ability to import Top Sites from another browser.
- Added a management policy controlling the ability to import Extensions from another browser.
- Added a management policy controlling the ability to import Cookies from another browser.
- Added a page to Settings to help users descargar Edge mobile.
Improved reliability:
- Fixed an issue where saving a PDF sometimes crashes the tab.
- Fixed an issue where watching encrypted video from sites like Netflix sometimes causes the device to freeze. Note that this issue is actually fixed by updating to the latest video drivers, so the Edge fix for this is to avoid the issue by degrading video playback on devices with old drivers.
- Fixed some issues where signing into the browser fails, or succeeds but doesn’t allow for sync.
- Fixed a crash on browser shutdown for users of Family Safety.
- Fixed a browser crash during the First Run Experience.
Changed behavior:
- Fixed an issue where text on a webpage would occasionally appear corrupted.
- Fixed an issue where the “Move to new window” tab context menu entry contains a gibberish string.
- Fixed an issue where the Jumplist is missing or has incorrect entries.
- Fixed an issue where the keyboard shortcut to start Read Aloud isn’t shown in menus.
- Fixed an issue where changing settings on the New Tab Page sometimes results in the settings not getting applied to subsequent new tabs until the browser is restarted.
- Fixed an issue where IE mode can’t be used and gives a message that Internet Explorer isn’t installed even though it is.
- Fixed an issue where a message that a new Edge window can’t be opened because Edge is currently running with administrator privileges is unexpectedly seen.
- Fixed an issue where dropping an extension file or folder onto the Extensions page when Developer Mode is enabled doesn’t install the extension.
- Fixed an issue where the UI to switch profiles when opening a link has invisible text in Dark Theme.
- Fixed an issue where some images weren’t loading in Immersive Reader.
- Fixed an issue where new profiles sometimes show the option to sign into the browser even though sign in is disabled via management policy.
- Fixed an issue where toggling certain website permission settings doesn’t update the UI.
- Fixed an issue where certain DRM-protected video only shows a black screen on HDR-capable devices.
- Fixed an issue where creating a new Collection or viewing a Collection appears to rename all existing Collections to “Collections”.
- Fixed an issue where dragging a link into a Collection doesn’t properly add the item.
- Fixed an issue where re-ordering items in a Collection using the keyboard doesn’t scroll the pane as the item is moved beyond the current window size.
- Permanently disabled Flash on ARM64 devices.
Problemas conocidos:
- Some users are seeing favorites get duplicated after we made some fixes in that area last month.
- The dialog to install a website as an app sometimes doesn’t appear. In those cases, interacting with the address bar or navigating in the same tab will sometimes bring it up.
- Users of certain security software packages will see all tabs fail to load with the error STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. The only way to prevent this behavior is to uninstall that software. We’re currently engaging with the developers of that software to try to find a fix.
- After an initial fix for it recently, some users are still experiencing Edge ventanas becoming all black. UI popups like menus are not affected and opening the Browser Task Manager (keyboard shortcut is shift + esc) and killing the GPU process fixes it. Note that some of these fixes don’t yet exist in the Stable channel, and the issue only appears to affect users with certain hardware.
- There are some issues where users with multiple audio output devices sometimes don’t get any sound from Edge. In one case, Edge becomes muted in the ventanas Volume Mixer and unmuting it fixes it. In another, restarting the browser fixes it.
- At certain zoom levels, there is a noticeable line between the browser UI and the web contents.
Actualizar 81.0.410.1 (Febrero 5, 2020)
Added Features:
- Added a keyboard shortcut to enter Immersive Reader mode.
- Enabled support for cards saved in MSPay to be used in webpages.
- Enabled Dolby Vision support for capable devices.
- Added support on Mac for reading PDFs protected with Microsoft Information Protection (MIP).
- Added a limit to the amount of text that can be added to an item in a Collection. Note that we are still measuring this limit and may adjust it in the future.
Improved Reliability:
- Fixed a crash on startup when sync is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where certain websites crash upon load.
- Fixed a crash when starting a descargar.
- Fixed a crash when manually importing data from other browsers.
- Fixed a crash when searching for text on a webpage.
- Fixed an issue where deleted favorites sometimes re-appear when another device tries to sync.
- Fixed an issue where enabling Application Guard causes high CPU usage when idle.
- Fixed an issue on Mac where enabling SmartScreen causes high CPU usage when idle.
- Fixed an issue where there is sometimes a delay when opening a new window before anything loads.
- Fixed an issue where webpages that use the ventanas credential prompt for logging in crash the browser when showing the prompt.
- Fixed an issue where websites installed as apps sometimes don’t open.
- Fixed a browser crash when closing the Collections pane.
- Fixed an issue where opening the Collections pane sometimes causes a browser crash.
- Fixed a crash when navigating to certain websites for Collections users.
- Fixed an issue where syncing a Collection sometimes crashes the Collections pane.
- Fixed a crash when closing the browser.
- Fixed a crash when closing the browser for users of extensions.
- Fixed an issue where disabling Internet Explorer in ventanas and then attempting to use IE mode causes a browser crash.
- Fixed an issue where websites sometimes don’t load in Application Guard ventanas after updating Edge.
- Improved the reliability of syncing favorites with long names.
- Fixed an issue where Collections that are created while sync is off don’t get synced once sync is turned back on.
- Fixed an issue where certain encrypted PDFs can’t be opened.
Changed Behavior:
- Fixed an issue where the trackpad gesture to scroll is sometimes interpreted as a right-click on certain devices. Note that this fix comes with the tradeoff of sometimes dropping the gesture to right-click (which is a two-finger tap by default), which will be fixed in the future.
- Fixed an issue where Edge’s update progress reporting in Settings isn’t accurate.
- Fixed an issue where swapping between the News and Office New Tab Page contents also resets the layout.
- Fixed an issue during the first run experience where clicking cancel when customizing which data types to sync results in those data types still being selected for sync.
- Improved messaging on the Sync Settings page for when a particular data type is disabled server-side even though sync in general is enabled and functional.
- Fixed an issue where the autoImportAtFirstRun management policy stopped working.
- Fixed an issue where certain data types sometimes aren’t imported from another browser properly.
- Fixed an issue where websites that are pinned using the Pinning Wizard aren’t pinned properly.
- Fixed an issue where clicking certain links in PDFs does nothing.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to scroll a webpage by very large amounts sometimes fails.
- Fixed an issue where scrolling on a webpage sometimes causes pages to jump to the beginning or end instead of scrolling the expected amount.
- Fixed an issue where the identity button has an incorrectly-colored background.
- Fixed an issue on Mac where the Translate icon sometimes is not seen in the address bar when it should be.
- Fixed an issue where dragging images into a Collection from certain websites fails.
- Fixed an issue where adding a page to a Collection sometimes results in the wrong image being used.
- Fixed an issue where data and images from certain websites aren’t properly added to Collections.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to close a window after downloading a file in an IE mode tab sometimes results in a warning not to close the window due to an in-progress descargar even though the descargar already completed.
Known Issues:
- The dialog to install a website as an app sometimes doesn’t appear. In those cases, interacting with the address bar or navigating in the same tab will sometimes bring it up.
- Users of certain security software packages will see all tabs fail to load with the error STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. The only way to prevent this behavior is to uninstall that software. We’re currently engaging with the developers of that software to try to find a fix.
- After an initial fix for it recently, some users are still experiencing Edge ventanas becoming all black. UI popups like menus are not affected and opening the Browser Task Manager (keyboard shortcut is shift + esc) and killing the GPU process fixes it. Note that some of these fixes don’t yet exist in the Stable channel, and the issue only appears to affect users with certain hardware.
- There are some issues where users with multiple audio output devices sometimes don’t get any sound from Edge. In one case, Edge becomes muted in the ventanas Volume Mixer and unmuting it fixes it. In another, restarting the browser fixes it.
- At certain zoom levels, there is a noticeable line between the browser UI and the web contents.
Actualizar 81.0.403.1 (Enero 28, 2020)
For developers, this build comes with the new z-Index view that helps them isolate the different stacking contexts of a web page.
In the z-index tab you can further simplify the view by only showing elements with a stacking context or hiding elements with the same paint order as their parent.
Added features:
- Enabled the 3D viewer tool in the F12 Developer Tools.
- Enabled localization of the F12 Dev tools so they will match the language the rest of the browser is using.
- Enabled the link on the … menu to the Extensions management page in Application Guard ventanas now that extensions have been enabled.
Improved reliability:
- Fixed an issue where navigating to certain websites causes a browser crash.
- Fixed an issue where websites that use Windows’ credential prompt in order to registro in sometimes cause a browser crash.
- Fixed an issue where using Collections sometimes causes a browser crash when closing a window.
- Fixed an issue where certain DRM-protected video doesn’t play on ventanas Insider builds.
- Fixed an issue where certain DRM-protected video doesn’t play on certain devices.
Changed behavior:
- Temporarily hid the Global Media Controls button that was inherited from Chromium.
- Improved the white flashes that sometimes occur in Dark Theme when loading internal webpages like Favorites, History, etc..
- Fixed an issue where Spellcheck is sometimes not enabled by default.
- Fixed an issue where editing favorites on the Favorites management page sometimes causes folders to unexpectedly close or open.
- Improved Browser Task Manager’s persistence of column widths.
- Fixed an issue where there were two context menu entries to move a tab to a new window.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to translate a page into the same language it’s already in causes the Translate popup not to show the current language correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Done or Next button sometimes doesn’t appear during the First Run Experience.
- Fixed an issue where parts of Collections are inappropriately hidden when the browser’s zoom level is set to greater than 100%.
- Fixed an issue where pressing Shift+Tab when editing text in a Collection unexpectedly exits text editing mode.
- Fixed an issue where pasting text into a Collection sometimes shows black on dark text when using Dark Theme.
- Fixed text formatting issues when pasting text into a Collection.
- Fixed an issue where the option to Read Aloud is shown in places where it can’t be used.
- Fixed an issue where the list of voices available in Read Aloud sometimes isn’t correct.
- Fixed an issue where Read Aloud sometimes doesn’t read long phrases properly when using certain voices.
- Fixed an issue on Mac where websites installed as apps still have a too-tall title bar.
Problemas conocidos:
- The dialog to install a website as an app sometimes doesn’t appear.
- Users of certain security software packages will see all tabs fail to load with the error STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. The only way to prevent this behavior is to uninstall that software.
- After an initial fix for it recently, some users are still experiencing Edge ventanas becoming all black. UI popups like menus are not affected and opening the Browser Task Manager (keyboard shortcut is shift + esc) and killing the GPU process fixes it. Note that some of these fixes don’t yet exist in the Stable channel, and the issue only appears to affect users with certain hardware.
- Some users are still not seeing Collections being enabled by default on Canary and Dev. For users who want to try Collections, enabling the flag at edge://flags/#edge-collections should still work to turn on the feature.
- There are some issues where users with multiple audio output devices sometimes don’t get any sound from Edge. In one case, Edge becomes muted in the ventanas Volume Mixer and unmuting it fixes it. In another, restarting the browser fixes it.
- At certain zoom levels, there is a noticeable line between the browser UI and the web contents.
Actualizar 81.0.396.0 (Enero 22, 2020)
All of the most noteworthy changes:
Added features:
- Added a dialog to warn users when they’re visiting a website that uses out-of-date security settings.
- Added a setting to enable or disable automatic profile switching (when work or school links are opened in a personal profile, the browser will offer to automatically move that link into a window for the work or school profile).
- Added support for extensions inside Application Guard ventanas.
- Added a dialog to warn users when they sign into a browser profile with a different account than they previously used to sign into the same profile.
Improved reliability:
- Fixed an issue where navigating to certain websites sometimes crashes the browser.
- Fixed an issue where downloading certain items in IE mode causes a browser crash.
- Fixed an issue where the new tab page sometimes doesn’t load properly.
- Fixed a browser crash.
Changed behavior:
- Improved the descargar status indicator on the Task Bar to only be visible on the icon of a window the descargar was started from instead of being visible on the icon of every window.
- Reduced the height of the title bar for websites installed as apps.
- Fixed an issue where some users can’t sign into the browser or sync using a work or school account.
- Fixed an issue where the profile button has an incorrectly colored background.
- Fixed an issue where the context menu item to open a link in a particular profile doesn’t appear if only a single profile is currently in use.
- Fixed an issue where the address bar and dropdown appear white when the browser is in dark theme.
- Fixed an issue where the profile picture on the profile Settings page sometimes doesn’t load properly.
- Fixed an issue where dangerous websites blocked by SmartScreen aren’t blocked consistently.
- Fixed an issue where the options to choose which data types to import during the first run experience don’t work and all data types are subsequently imported.
- Fixed an issue where clicking a favorite on the Favorites management page in order to navigate to that site briefly brings up the editing textbox before the navigation starts.
- Fixed an issue where clearing browsing history while the History page is visible doesn’t update the History page until it’s refreshed.
- Fixed an issue where the translate icon sometimes doesn’t appear on Mac when it should.
- Fixed an issue where certain settings aren’t updated in Application Guard ventanas when the setting is changed in a regular window.
- Fixed an issue where right clicking on context menu items in a Collection doesn’t dismiss the context menu.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on a note in a Collection to edit the text places the cursor at the beginning of the note instead of the location where it was clicked.
- Fixed an issue where adding items to a Collection from certain websites results in some information being missing from the entry.
- Fixed an issue where PDFs that are supposed to be blocked from printing via management policy sometimes aren’t.
- Removed support for the NewTabPageCompanyLogo management policy since it isn’t functional.
Problemas conocidos:
- Users of certain security software packages will see all tabs fail to load with the error STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. The only way to prevent this behavior is to uninstall that software.
- After an initial fix for it recently, some users are still experiencing Edge ventanas becoming all black. UI popups like menus are not affected and opening the Browser Task Manager (keyboard shortcut is shift + esc) and killing the GPU process fixes it. Note that some of these fixes don’t yet exist in the Stable channel, and the issue only appears to affect users with certain hardware.
- Some users are still not seeing Collections being enabled by default on Canary and Dev. For users who want to try Collections, enabling the flag at edge://flags/#edge-collections should still work to turn on the feature.
- There are some issues where users with multiple audio output devices sometimes don’t get any sound from Edge. In one case, Edge becomes muted in the ventanas Volume Mixer and unmuting it fixes it. In another, restarting the browser fixes it.
- At certain zoom levels, there is a noticeable line between the browser UI and the web contents.
Actualizar 81.0.389.2 (Enero 8, 2020)
Added features:
- Added the ability to hide the Collections button from the address bar.
- Added a “coming soon” message to all users who still have favorites sync disabled.
- Added a dialog to inform users when another program on the device installs an extension in Edge.
- Enabled integration of the ventanas built-in spellchecker.
- Added a management policy to prevent the first run experience from running.
Improved reliability:
- Re-enabled favorites sync for some users who hadn’t gotten it re-enabled last week.
- Fixed an issue where sorting favorites and then hitting undo sometimes causes the favorites to be deleted.
- Fixed an issue on Mac where the send feedback button sometimes crashes the browser.
- Fixed a crash when using accessibility software like screen readers.
- Fixed an issue where closing an IE mode tab sometimes crashes the browser.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to customize sync settings during the First Run Experience crashes the tab.
- Fixed an issue where watching DRM-protected video like on Netflix doesn’t play at the highest possible quality on certain devices with Nvidia graphics.
Changed behavior:
- Improved Read Aloud performance.
- Fixed an issue where exporting a Collection to Excel results in the column headers being messed up.
- Fixed an issue where cancelling an edit on a Collections item doesn’t undo the changes to it.
- Fixed an issue where sites that are deleted from the Top Sites tiles on the New Tab Page sometimes return.
- Fixed an issue where the Share UI doesn’t appear when the Share button is clicked.
- Fixed an issue where the link in Settings to manage a browser profile’s associated account sometimes doesn’t work.
- Fixed an issue where linked clicked from other applications sometimes don’t open if Edge is already running and was launched with administrator privileges.
- Fixed an issue where Tracking Prevention sometimes causes content blocked notifications to the right of the address bar (cookies, Por ejemplo) not to appear properly.
- Fixed an issue where the ink customization options when annotating feedback screenshots don’t work.
- Fixed an issue where the Grammar Tools color picker isn’t visible.
- Fixed an issue where the Cisco Webex extension doesn’t work properly.
- Fixed an issue where manually navigating to an extension’s page by typing their address into the address bar doesn’t work.
- Fixed an issue where editing settings from within an Application Guard window that causes the window to have to close and re-open leads to the window closing, but never re-opening.
Problemas conocidos:
- After an initial fix for it recently, some users are still experiencing Edge ventanas becoming all black. UI popups like menus are not affected and opening the Browser Task Manager (keyboard shortcut is shift + esc) and killing the GPU process fixes it.
- Some users are still not seeing Collections being enabled by default on Canary and Dev. For users who want to try Collections, enabling the flag at edge://flags/#edge-collections should still work to turn on the feature.
- There are some issues where users with multiple audio output devices sometimes don’t get any sound from Edge. In one case, Edge becomes muted in the ventanas Volume Mixer and unmuting it fixes it. In another, restarting the browser fixes it.
- At certain zoom levels, there is a noticeable line between the browser UI and the web contents.
Actualizar 81.0.381.0 (Enero 8, 2020)
Added features:
- Added a feature to suggest URLs to visit that are similar to typed URLs that result in a failed navigation due to the fact that no webpage at the typed URL exists.
- Added a keyboard shortcut for starting Read Aloud (ctrl + shift + U).
- Added the ability to paste multiple items into a Collection at the same time.
- Added a dialog to tell users when a new data type is available to sync.
- Added support for Guided Switch to suggest going back to a personal profile when visiting links to certain non-work or school resources in a work or school profile.
- Added support for the Chromium management policy to disable web payment APIs in webpages.
- Added a management policy for disabling Microsoft Search for Business.
Improved reliability:
- Fixed a crash when syncing favorites.
- Fixed an issue where favorites that are synced between multiple machines sometimes get deleted from one machine when they’re edited on another.
- Fixed a crash when syncing Collections.
- Fixed a crash when sync is enabled.
- Fixed a crash when syncing with Edge mobile.
- Fixed a crash when clearing browsing data.
- Fixed an issue where Collections don’t sync properly.
- Fixed a crash when importing certain data from other browsers.
- Fixed an issue where Edge fails to install due to a crash in the installer.
- Fixed an issue where uninstalling Edge and re-installing the same channel with a lower version number causes Edge to no longer launch.
- Fixed an issue where enabling Tracking Prevention prevents some pages from ever loading, regardless of the level Tracking Prevention is set at.
- Fixed an issue where certain videos don’t load when Tracking Prevention is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where Tracking Prevention prevented users from logging into certain websites.
- Fixed an issue where navigation in new tabs sometimes fails, either showing an error that the connection is closed or crashing the tab, but subsequent navigations are sometimes okay.
- Fixed an issue where typing in the address bar sometimes causes a crash.
- Fixed an issue where Edge is no longer able to launch after uninstalling and reinstalling it.
- Fixed a crash for users who have certain anti-virus programs installed.
- Fixed an issue where Amazon Music fails to play.
- Fixed an issue where sharing a local file (Por ejemplo, a PDF that’s been downloaded onto the machine) falla.
- Fixed a crash during shutdown.
- Fixed an issue where the policy to enable/disable printing headers and footers doesn’t work.
- Improved the reliability of installation.
Changed behavior:
- Fixed an issue where downloading files in IE mode tabs sometimes prevents the browser from being closed even after the downloads are completed.
- Fixed an issue where the user can’t remove pages from the list of pages to open when the browser first starts.
- Fixed an issue where removing a search provider in Settings sometimes results in the inability to add that same search provider again.
- Fixed an issue where the second page of the print preview dialog doesn’t render properly.
- Fixed an issue where unselecting categories to be synced during the First Run Experience sometimes results in those data types still being synced.
- Fixed an issue where the Office New Tab Page is broken.
- Fixed an issue where creating a new Collection sometimes fails.
- Fixed an issue where some images can’t be dragged and dropped into a Collection.
- Fixed an issue where using Collections sometimes causes error reporting dialogs to appear.
- Fixed an issue where certain suggested sites in the Pinning Wizard don’t get pinned to the taskbar.
- Fixed an issue where the toggle to sync open tabs isn’t functional.
- Fixed an issue where login details appear as autocomplete candidates for text fields that aren’t used for logging in.
- Fixed an issue where signing into the browser sometimes fails to properly set the profile picture.
- Fixed an issue on Mac where websites installed as apps don’t open and instead show an error if Edge isn’t already running.
- Fixed an issue on Mac where the update page spins forever or eventually shows an error after a successful update.
- Improved how much content is blocked by SmartScreen’s dangerous content blocker.
- Fixed an issue where highlighting text in the address bar then clicking on webpages sometimes causes black-on-dark text when the browser is in Dark Theme.
- Fixed some graphical flickering when switching between IE mode tabs and non-IE mode tabs.
- Fixed a white flash when entering Reading View.
- Improved the PDF reader’s background area color in Dark Theme.
- Fixed an issue where Application Guard ventanas sometimes don’t use the proper theme.
- Improved performance when opening Application Guard ventanas for the first time.
- Changed the name of the window that appears when you hover over a running instance of Edge on the Task Bar to only be the name of the active tab in that window instead of also containing the name of the profile and browser.
- Changed the behavior of “deprecated” management policies to still apply properly, which differs from Chrome’s definition of “not supported” policies. Both “not supported” in Chrome and “obsolete” in Edge are policies which are no longer supported and just show an error instead of being applied.
Problemas conocidos:
- After an initial fix for it recently, some users are still experiencing Edge ventanas becoming all black. UI popups like menus are not affected and opening the Browser Task Manager (keyboard shortcut is shift + esc) and killing the GPU process fixes it.
- Some users are still not seeing Collections being enabled by default on Canary and Dev. For users who want to try Collections, enabling the flag at edge://flags/#edge-collections should still work to turn on the feature.
- There are some issues where users with multiple audio output devices sometimes don’t get any sound from Edge. In one case, Edge becomes muted in the ventanas Volume Mixer and unmuting it fixes it. In another, restarting the browser fixes it.
- At certain zoom levels, there is a noticeable line between the browser UI and the web contents.