Télécharger Mozilla Firefox 68.0 x64 MSI pour Gestionnaire de configuration déploiements.
- Pas de raccourci sur le bureau;
- Localisation en anglais;
- Pas de programme de mise à jour (Non Mozilla service d'entretien);
- Évolutif à l'avenir (un past release).
- Dark mode in reader view expands so that fenêtres are also dark on the controls, sidebars, and toolbars.
- Improved extension security and discovery:
- The new reporting feature in about: addons allows you to report security and performance issues with extensions and themes.
- Redesigned extensions dashboard in about: addons provide easy access to information about your extensions, including data and settings access required by each extension.
- Find high-quality, secure extensions via the Recommended Extensions program in about: modules complémentaires, which now displays user count and ratings for each extension. “Recommended” badges for these extensions also appear on AMO. More extensions will be added over time.
- Cryptomining and fingerprinting protections are added to strict content-blocking settings in Privacy & Security preferences.
- WebRender will roll out to Fenêtres 10 users with AMD graphics cards.
- Fenêtres Service de transfert intelligent en arrière-plan (BITS) mise à jour télécharger soutien, which allows Firefox update downloads to continue when Firefox is closed.
- Divers correctifs de sécurité
- Local files can no longer access other files in the same directory.
- Unified existing locales (bn-BD, bn-IN) under a single Bengali (bn) localization.
- The following unmaintained translations have been removed: Assamese (comme), English – South Africa (en-ZA), Maithili (mai), Malayalam (ml), Odia (ou). Existing users will be migrated to the British English (un Go) version.
- When an HTTPS erreur caused by antivirus software is detected, Firefox will attempt to automatically fix it
- Camera and microphone access now require an HTTPS connection.
- The way non-default preferences are synced has changed.
- For all operating systems, we have a number of additional policies including:
- New tab page configuration and disabling
- Local file links
- Télécharger behavior
- Search suggestions
- Managed storage for using policies in Webextensions
- Extension whitelisting and blacklisting by ID and website
- A subset of commonly used Firefox preferences .
- Firefox Developer Tools now offers a full page color contrast audit that identifies all elements on a page that fail color contrast checks.
- Added about:compat, where website-specific workarounds are listed and may be toggled. These workarounds are meant as temporary fixes for various forms of website breakage for Firefox, while the website fixes them in due time. With about:compat, it is now easy to see all of the workarounds that are active in Firefox, and easy for website developers to disable a given workaround for testing purposes.
- Introduces CSS Scroll Snap module that enforces scroll snap positions.