Tag: मैक

Edge 83

Edge 83 उपलब्ध. Edge Stable Update 81.0.416.53 (मई 21, 2020) फीचर अपडेट…

Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2004

Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2004. Microsoft Endpoint Manager tenant attach: ConfigMgr client

एज देव 83

एज देव 83 उपलब्ध. अद्यतन 83.0.478.5 (April 14, 2020) सुविधाएँ जोड़ी गईं:  Improved

एज देव 82

एज देव 82 उपलब्ध. अद्यतन 82.0.453.2 (मार्च 19, 2020) एक सुंदर रचना,…

Edge 81

Edge 81 उपलब्ध. अद्यतन 81.0.416.53 (April 13, 2020) Feature updates Policy updates

Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2002.2

Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2002.2. Improvements to support for ARM64 devices This

एज देव 81

एज देव 81 उपलब्ध. अद्यतन 81.0.416.3 (फ़रवरी 11, 2020) सुविधाएँ जोड़ी गईं:  Improved

पावरशेल 7.0 Generally Available

पावरशेल 7.0 Generally Available. What is PowerShell 7? पावरशेल 7 is the

Office Insider for Mac Version 16.35 रिलीज नोट्स

Office Insider for Mac Version 16.35 रिलीज नोट्स. Build 20021908, 20021800, 20021300,…

Edge 79

Edge 79 is available. If you are an enterprise admin, you can