Install SCCM 1703 Technical Preview.
1. Open SCCM Console, and navigate to Administration\Updates and Servicing. Select Update and click Download in upper menu;
2. In the pop-up window click OK;
3. Check the dmpdownloader.log file to monitor the download process. The downloading of update may take amount of time based on your internet connectivity speed;
4. Once the update is downloaded, the state of update 1703 is changed to Ready to install. Click Install Update Pack in upper menu;
5. Configuration Manager Updates Wizard open. Set check mark Ignore any prerequisite check warnings and install this update regardless of missing requirements, click Next;
6. Enable the features by ticking them or you could enable it later as well, click Next;
7. Choose Upgrade without validating and click Next;
8. For License Terms, set check mark I accept these License Terms and Privacy Statement and click Next;
9. Complete the remaining steps by clicking Next and finally click Close;
10. Using CMtrace log tool, open the CMUpdate.log file. You will see content downloaded to your <ConfigMgrInstallDir>\CMUStaging directory;
11. To view the installation status, go to Monitoring\ Updates and Servicing Status. Right Mouse Button click at update 1703 and click Show Status;
12. When update complete you will get message about New version of the console is available. Click OK;
13. When console update complete, SCCM Console reopen with new update;