Installazione e configurazione di Fail2ban per la protezione SSH su Ubuntu 24.04

Installazione e configurazione di Fail2ban per la protezione SSH su Ubuntu 24.04. Introduction to server security When it comes to server security, proteggere il tuo Ubuntu 24.04 server è della massima importanza. Con il crescente numero di minacce e attacchi informatici, garantire la sicurezza e l'integrità del tuo server è fondamentale. In this

Abilitazione e configurazione di FirewallD su AlmaLinux

Abilitazione e configurazione di FirewallD su AlmaLinux. Firewalls are a crucial component of any network security strategy. They act as a barrier between your network and potential threats, filtering incoming and outgoing traffic based on predefined rules. Effective firewall rule management is essential for maintaining the security and integrity of your

Creazione utente e configurazione chiave SSH in AlmaLinux

Creazione utente e configurazione chiave SSH in AlmaLinux. Introduction to user creation and SSH key setup in AlmaLinux AlmaLinux is a popular Linux distribution that serves as a reliable and secure operating system for servers. One of the fundamental aspects of server administration is user management, which includes creating user

Come reimpostare la password su AlmaLinux

Come reimpostare la password su AlmaLinux. AlmaLinux is a free and open-source Linux distribution that is designed to be a community-driven replacement for CentOS. It provides a stable and reliable operating system for servers and workstations. Like any other operating system, AlmaLinux allows users to create accounts with passwords to

Una guida passo dopo passo: Come installare MySQL su Ubuntu

Una guida passo dopo passo: Come installare MySQL su Ubuntu. MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems in the world. It is widely used for managing large amounts of data and is a go-to choice for many developers and businesses. Ubuntu, on the other hand, È…

Guida per l'installazione di Composer su CentOS 8

Guida per l'installazione di Composer su CentOS 8. Introduction to Composer In the world of PHP development, Composer has become an indispensable tool. It is a dependency manager that allows you to easily install and manage libraries or packages required by your PHP projects. Composer simplifies the process of handling dependencies,…

Come rimuovere in modo sicuro i vecchi kernel da Ubuntu

Come rimuovere in modo sicuro i vecchi kernel da Ubuntu. The Linux kernel is the heartbeat of your Ubuntu system, acting as a bridge between the software and hardware components. Col tempo, as you update your Ubuntu system, new kernels get installed, leaving the older ones behind. Although these old kernels serve

Installazione di SQLite3 su AlmaLinux 9 dalla fonte

Installazione di SQLite3 su AlmaLinux 9 dalla fonte. SQLite is a widely used, lightweight, and embedded relational database management system (RDBMS) that supports a variety of programming languages. It is known for its portability, self-contained nature, and small size, making it a popular choice for applications that require local data storage.

Attivazione di EPEL ed EPEL Next in Almalinux 9 o Rocky Linux 9

Attivazione di EPEL ed EPEL Next in Almalinux 9 o Rocky Linux 9. Enterprise Linux systems like Almalinux and Rocky Linux 9 come with a default set of packages that enable their basic functioning. Tuttavia, users often require additional packages to enhance the functionality and capabilities of their systems. This is