Come modificare la dimensione della memoria virtuale su Windows 10: Guida passo dopo passo.
System-managed page files
Per impostazione predefinita, page files are system-managed. This means that the page files increase and decrease based on many factors, such as the amount of physical memory installed, the process of accommodating the system commit charge, and the process of accommodating a system crash dump.
Per esempio, when the system commits charge is more than 90 percent of the system commit limit, the page file is increased to back it. This continues to occur until the page file reaches three times the size of physical memory or 4 GB, whichever is larger. This all assumes that the logical disk that is hosting the page file is large enough to accommodate the growth.
The following table lists the minimum and maximum page file sizes of system-managed page files in Windows 10.
Minimum page file size | Maximum page file size |
Varies based on page file usage history, amount of RAM (RAM ÷ 8, massimo 32 GB) and crash dump settings. | 3 × RAM or 4 GB, whichever is larger. This is then limited to the volume size ÷ 8. Tuttavia, it can grow to within 1 GB of free space on the volume if required for crash dump settings. |
How to increase virtual memory using Settings (GUI)
To adjust the virtual memory size on Windows 10, use these steps:
1. AprireImpostazioni;
2. Navigare verso System\About;
3. Sotto il “Related settings” sezione, clicca ilSystem info;
4. Clicca il Advanced system settings option from the left pane;
5. Clicca ilAvanzate scheda.
6. Sotto il “Performance” sezione, clic Impostazioni;
7. Clicca ilAvanzate scheda;
8. Sotto il “Virtual memory” sezione, clicca ilModifica;
9. Cancella ilAutomatically manage paging files size for all drives opzione.
10. Seleziona ilCustom size opzione.
11. Specify the initial and maximum size for the paging file in megabytes.
NOTA: The size of the virtual memory is unique to each device, and it can’t be generalized. Tuttavia, usually, it’s recommended to use a number that’s one and a half times the total available memory for the “Initial size” and three times of available memory for the “Maximum size” when possible.
12. Clicca ilImpostato pulsante.
13. Clicca ilOK pulsante.
14. Clicca ilOK button again.
15. Restart your device.
If you need to revert the changes, you can use the same instructions, but onfare un passo 9, make sure to check theAutomatically manage paging size for all drives opzione, and restart your device to apply changes.
How to increase virtual memory using Windows PowerShell
To modify the paging file size with Windows PowerShell:
1. AprireInizio.
2. Cercare Windows PowerShell, right-click the top result, e seleziona ilEsegui come amministratore opzione.
NOTA: Also you can right mouse button click on Inizio pulsante ed esegui Windows PowerShell (Amministratore)
3. Type the following command to get the current status of the paging file:
wmic pagefile list /format:list
4. Type the following command to switch from Automatic Manage A Costume virtual memory:
wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=false
5. Type the following command to set the initial and maximum size of the virtual memory:
wmic pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=<InitialSizeinMB>,MaximumSize=<MaximumSizeinMB>
An example (Initial – 1024 Mb, Maximum – 4096 Mb):
wmic pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=1024,MaximumSize=4096
6. Type the following command to restart your PC:
shutdown -r -t 00
After you complete the steps, the device will start using the new values for virtual memory, Quale, if done correctly, should help to improve system performance.
NOTA: If you no longer need to use the custom size for virtual memory, you can always revert the changes to automatic:
wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=true
Restart your device.
NOTA: It’s possible to disable virtual memory on Windows 10, even when you have a large amount of system memory, it’s not recommended to disable this feature. Generalmente, if you disable it, some applications may stop working, some system features may not work efficiently, and you may end up with some weird behaviors.