Main feature
Administrators can now deploy Microsoft Edge, 버전 77 and later and its policies to users from the 구성 관리자 콘솔. Through this integration, administrators can now easily deploy the new version of Microsoft Edge from the Beta and Dev channels. Each release incorporates learnings and improvements from our customers and community. The Dev channel is updated weekly, and the Beta channel is updated every six weeks. Administrators can also deploy a specific version of a channel if they wish to disable automatic updates and test a particular version.
Another features
Include custom configuration baselines as part of compliance policy assessment – You can now add evaluation of custom configuration baselines as a compliance policy assessment rule. When you create or edit a configuration baseline, you have a new option, Evaluate this baseline as part of compliance policy assessment. When adding or editing a compliance policy rule, you have a new condition called Include configured baselines in compliance policy assessment.
When a user is part of a collection targeted with a compliance policy that includes the rule condition Include configured baselines in compliance policy assessment, any baselines with the Evaluate this baseline as part of compliance policy assessment option selected that are deployed to the user or the user’s device are evaluated for compliance.
Improvements to app groups – Starting in current branch 버전 1906, you can create a group of applications to send to a device collection as a single deployment. 이것 technical preview release improves upon this feature:
- Users can 제거하십시오 the app group in 소프트웨어 센터.
- You can deploy an app group to a user collection.
Reclaim SEDO lock – If the 구성 관리자 콘솔 stops responding, you can be locked out of making further changes until the lock expires after 30 minutes. This lock is part of the 구성 관리자 SEDO (Serialized Editing of Distributed Objects) system. Starting in this technical preview release, you can clear your lock on any object in the 구성 관리자 콘솔.
Attach files to feedback – You can now choose to attach log and diagnostic files when you use Send a Frown in the 구성 관리자 콘솔 to send feedback to Microsoft. This additional information can help us more quickly determine the cause of the problem.
사무실 365 ProPlus Pilot and Health Dashboard – There’s a new experience to help admins create pilot collections for getting started with 사무실 365 ProPlus deployments. We know from customer feedback that many enterprises don’t immediately deploy 사무실 365 ProPlus. Instead, they prefer to run a pilot on a small set of devices before completing their rollout. The 사무실 365 ProPlus Pilot and Health Dashboard provides a recommendation for pilot devices based on add-in inventory.
Generate pilot
Generate a pilot recommendation from a limiting collection at the click of a button. As soon as the action is launched, a background task starts calculating your pilot collection. Your limiting collection must contain at least one device with an Office version that isn’t ProPlus.
Recommended pilot devices
Recommended pilot devices are a minimal set of devices representing all installed add-ins across the limiting collection you used when generating the pilot. Drill down to get a list of these devices. Then use the details to exclude any devices from the pilot if needed.
Deploy pilot
Once you accept your pilot devices, deploy 사무실 365 Proplus to the pilot collection using the phased deployment wizard. Admins can define the pilot and limiting collection in the wizard to manage deployments.
Health data
Once 사무실 365 Proplus is installed, enable health data on your pilot devices. The health data gives you insight into which add-ins and macros don’t meet health goals. The Devices ready to deploy chart identifies non-pilot devices that are ready for deployment by using the health insights. Get a count of devices that are sending health data from the Devices sending health data chart.
Known issues
If a standard prefix is used in naming Office files, it may be difficult to tell files apart when troubleshooting a problem, such as a macro issue. 구성 관리자 obfuscates the file names, meaning files named 2019_Q3_Results.xlsm
그리고 2019_Q4_Results.xlsm
will both be identified as 20*.xlsm
Client diagnostic actions – Based on UserVoice feedback, there are new device actions for Client Diagnostics in the 구성 관리자 콘솔. This release includes the following actions:
- Enable verbose logging: Change the global log level for the CCM component to verbose, and enable debug logging.
- Disable verbose logging: Change the global log level to default, and disable debug logging.
Improvements to console search results – This release includes the following improvements to search in the 구성 관리자 콘솔 based on your feedback:
- You can now use the All Subfolders search option from the Driver Packages 그리고 Queries nodes.
- When a search returns more than 1,000 results, now select the 좋아요 button on the notice bar to view more results.
New task sequence variable for 윈도우 10 in-place upgrade – You can now set a new task sequence variable SetupCompletePause. When you assign a value in seconds to this variable, 그만큼 윈도우 setup process delays that amount of time before it starts the task sequence. This timeout provides the 구성 관리자 client additional time to initialize and may help to address timing issues on high performance devices.
Improvements to 윈도우 Virtual Desktop support – 구성 관리자 current branch 버전 1906 introduced support for 윈도우 Virtual Desktop. If you require user policy in this scenario, and accept any potential performance impact, you can now configure a client setting to enable user policy. In the Client Policy 그룹, configure the following setting: Enable user policy for multiple user sessions.
Known issues
Task sequences aren’t available to PXE or media
If you deploy a task sequence for PXE or media (USB or DVD), the client doesn’t receive the policy. The following message is in smsts.log:
There are no task sequences available to this computer.
Start the task sequence from 소프트웨어 센터.
fter upgrading to SCCM 1910, I have the following issues:
1- In SMS_STATE_SYSTEM I received the following error every 5 minutes:
Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 8672, severity 16: [42000][8672][마이크로소프트][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL 서버]The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the
Please refer to your Configuration Manager documentation, SQL Server documentation, or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.
2- 윈도우 10 In-Place upgrade TS hang and never start – showing “Waiting for another program”
1. For this particular issue, it is likely due to some bad state messages reported from clients. If possible, customer can double check the statesys.log and it will tell the CM Admins which particular .SMX file is causing the issue and it is likely they are moved to the corrupted folder (\ \inboxes\auth\\corrupt)
2. With in-place – check that all updates are installed (include store apps updates).