Gerenciador de configuração Update Stuck in Downloading State.
When upgrading Gerenciador de configuração to the next build for a long time you may see that the status shows as downloading but the update was never downloaded.
- No Console do Gerenciador de Configuração, find and remember (notate) the Package GUID of the update.
2. If you go to o EasySetupPayload pasta, you will find a folder with a name that matches the Package GUID from the previous step. If you check the folder properties it must show 0 bytes.
3. With the SCCM update reset tool you can either reset an update or force delete. Run the command prompt as administrator (you can use Windows search to achieve this).
4. Change the path to CMUpdateReset folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\cd.latest\SMSSETUP\TOOLS\CMUpdateReset).
OBSERVAÇÃO: The path for the CMUpdateReset folder is valid only for Gerenciador de configuração servidor.
5. In the command prompt run the CMUpdateReset.exe and that will show you the tool usage options or examples.
Out from the above screenshot is listed below.
Microsoft (R) Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager Update Reset Tool
Copyright (C) 2020 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
Usage: Run CMUpdateReset.exe on any server. The User that runs the tool must have administrator rights on all site servers and on the <a href=">service connection point server.<br>[-S SQL Server FQDN of the top level site]<br>[-I SQL Server instance name, optional for the default instance]<br>[-D Database name]<br>[-P Package Guid]<br>[-FDELETE Force deletion of the package]<br>[-? Show syntax summary]<br>Example to run the default CMUpdateReset.exe:<br>CMUpdateReset.exe -S -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C<br>CMUpdateReset.exe -S -I MyInstance -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C<br>Example to force delete the package:<br>CMUpdateReset.exe -FDELETE -S -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C<br>CMUpdateReset.exe -FDELETE -S -I MyInstance -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C<br>Do not restart SMS_EXECUTIVE service if the tool is used to reinitiate replication. If the tool is used to clean up and redownload the package, you must restart the SMS_EXECUTIVE service or Check for Updates in console, after successfully running the tool.
Microsoft (R) Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager Update Reset Tool
Copyright (C) 2020 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
Usage: Run CMUpdateReset.exe on any server. The User that runs the tool must have administrator rights on all site servers and on the service connection point server.
[-S SQL Server FQDN of the top level site]
[-I SQL Server instance name, optional for the default instance]
[-D Database name]
[-P Package Guid]
[-FDELETE Force deletion of the package]
[-? Show syntax summary]
Example to run the default CMUpdateReset.exe:
CMUpdateReset.exe -S -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C
CMUpdateReset.exe -S -I MyInstance -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C
Example to force delete the package:
CMUpdateReset.exe -FDELETE -S -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C
CMUpdateReset.exe -FDELETE -S -I MyInstance -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C
Do not restart SMS_EXECUTIVE service if the tool is used to reinitiate replication. If the tool is used to clean up and redownload the package, you must restart the SMS_EXECUTIVE service or Check for Updates in console, after successfully running the tool.