How to Deploy Gerenciador de configuração Client Using GPO – Guia passo a passo.
If you are planning to deploy Gerenciador de configuração clients using GPO then you must make sure that in the client push installation properties, Enable Automatic site-wide client push installation is not checked. If this is checked then the client would get installed on all the systems after its discovery. So first uncheck the option Enable Automatic site-wide client push installation and proceed.
1. Abrir o Gerenciamento de Política de Grupo console. Choose OU, for which a new GPO will be created (or you may link it later);
2. Botão direito do mouse click and click Create GPO in this domínio, and link it here;
3. Digitar your Name e clique OK;
4. Click on the newly created policy, in the pop-up window click OK;
5. Botão direito do mouse click on the policy and click Editar;
OBSERVAÇÃO: GPO templates files are only required if the schema has not been extended
6. Navegue até Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates. Botão direito do mouse click and click Add/Remove Templates;
7. Clique Adicionar;
OBSERVAÇÃO: O Gerenciador de configuração templates can be found inSourceDVD\SMSSETUP\TOOLS\ConfigMgrADMTemplatesor you can also add it from <Drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\tools\ConfigMgrADMTemplates.
8. Select templates and click Abrir;
9. Clique Fechar;
10. Navegue até Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Classic Administrative Templates\Configuration Manager\Configuration Manager Client;
11. Botão direito do mouse clique emConfigure Gerenciador de configuração Site Assignment template and click Editar;
12. Selecione Enabled to enable the policy, under Options specifyAssigned Site code, Site Assignment Retry Interval para 5 minutos, and Site Assignment Retry Duration para1 hour (You can also choose to leave the options to default except site code). CliqueOK;
13. Botão direito do mouse clique emConfigure Gerenciador de configuração Client Deployment Settings e clique Editar;
14. Selecione Enabled. Under options specify the installation properties for the CCMSetup file. I have used the following installation command SMSSITECODE=L01 Clique OK;
15. Navegue até Computer Configuration\Policies\Software Settings\Software installation. Botão direito do mouse click and click New\Package;
OBSERVAÇÃO: O ccmsetup.msi can be found inSOURCEDVD\SMSSETUP\BIN\I386 or <Drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\cd.latest\SMSSETUP\BIN\I386. Copy the ccmsetup.msi in a folder (Create a new folder on SCCM Servidor) and share it with permissions Read-only for Everyone OR copy it to your SYSVOL folder. I create a new folder in Scripts – SCCM Cliente and copy *.msi to it.
16. Browse the file ccmsetup.msi and click Abrir;
17. Selecione o Deployment method comoAssigned. CliqueOK;
18. When you click on Software installation you should see the Nome doPackage, itsVersion, Deployment Status eSource. You can now close the console;
19. Reboot the Client machine and then SCCM cliente installation begins. You can see the cmmsetup.exe(32 bit) em Gerenciador de tarefas console;
22. When the process disappears, you can go to SCCM Console\Assets and Compliance\Devices and check the newly installed client;
Do you have to reboot the machine to have the .msi kick off? Can you log off and back on instead to have the GPO refresh? I am wanting to install the client on many different servers and really don’t want to put in a change request for all the different machines if I don’t have to.
Hello. Reboot is required because the software installation by group policy applies at startup. If you don’t want to reboot your machines, then use manual client installation. Not fast and simple like GPO but perfectly work without reboot (in mostly cases).