Cum să migrați baza de date WSUS între două servere SQL.
Soluţie 1. You have access to both SQL Servers
1. Alerga Command Prompt as Admin on your server with WSUS Role;
2. Type and execute the next command:
net stop W3SVC && net stop wuauserv && net stop WsusService
3. Run SQL Server Management Studio on the first (old) SQL Server;
4. Navigate to your WSUS Database (by default SUSDB). Right Click and select Tasks\Detach;
5. Copy your WSUS Database și Bușteni files to a new location;
6. Run the new SQL Management Studio and Attach copied Database;
7. On your WSUS Server run Editorul Registrului and change the key:
8. Change server name from old SQL Server to new;
9. Alerga Command Prompt as Admin on your server with WSUS Role;
10. Tastați următoarea comandă:
net start W3SVC && net start wuauserv && net start WsusService
11. Test, by running WSUS Console.
Soluţie 2. You have files of WSUS Database
In case you can’t access to SQL Server instance with WSUS database with SQL Management Studio, but DB and Logs files are available.
1. Alerga Command Prompt as Admin on your server with WSUS Role;
2. Type and execute the next command:
net stop W3SVC && net stop wuauserv && net stop WsusService
5. Copy your WSUS Database și Bușteni files to new location;
6. Run SQL Management Studio on the new SQL Server and Attach copied Database;
7. Expand theSecuritate, Right Click onLogins, și apoi selectațiNew Login;
8. introduceNT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE for the Login Name;
9. Click peUser Mapping and confirm that the user has thedbo Default Schema granted on theSUSDB Bază de date;
10. Click peBine to create the login;
11. Right Click onLogins, și apoi selectațiNew Login;
12. introduce{WSUS Server Name}\WSUS Administrators for theLogin Name;
13. Click peUser Mapping and confirm that the WSUS Administrators Group is granted access to theSUSDB Bază de date;
14. Click peBine to create the login;
15. On your WSUS Server run Editorul Registrului and change key:
16. Change server name from old SQL Server to new;
17. Alerga Command Prompt as Admin on your server with WSUS Role;
18. Tastați următoarea comandă:
net start W3SVC && net start wuauserv && net start WsusService
19. Test, by running WSUS Console.