How to Fix SCCM Помилка 3603: IDispatch Помилка in Content Distribution.
In distmgr.log you can see next:
CWmiRegistry::GetStr: Failed to get string value SCFSSLPortList
CWmiRegistry::GetStr: Failed to get string value SMSSSLPortList
CWmiRegistry::GetStr: Failed to get string value SMSCWSPortList
CWmiRegistry::GetStr: Failed to get string value SMSCWSSSLPortList
CWmi::PutObject(): PutInstance() failed. - 0x80041013~
~ERROR CreateApplicationPool: Failed with error = IDispatch error #3603~
~ERROR CreateVirtualDirectory: Failed to update virtual directory SMS_DP_SMSPKG$. error = IDispatch error #3603~
vdHelper.CreateVirtualDirectory() - Failed to CreateVirtualDirectory SMS_DP_SMSPKG$ for DP SCCM.PRAJWAL.LOCAL. Will retry in 5 seconds~
Failed to configure IIS module, GLE - 1168
ConfigureIISModules failed to configure IIS module
~ERROR CreateVirtualDirectory: Failed to update virtual directory SMS_DP_SMSPKG$. error = IDispatch error #3603~
Some of the required IIS components are missing. Наприклад IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility and IIS 6 WMI Compatibility components.
To fix IDispatch помилка 3603, verify IIS configuration within Server Manager. On the distribution point server, install all required IIS components.
Here are the SCCM DP prerequisites.