A Beginner’s Guide to Configuring Hyper-V on Windows 10. Earlier I add Hyper-V component to my Windows (Windows 10).
Simple Hyper-V configuration before use
1. I make some preparation and create folder in my Local Disk D:\ for storing VM’s files – Hyper-V;
2. Run Hyper-V Manager Console (you can pin it to the taskbar);
3. In the opened console go to Hyper-V Settings…
4. In my case at this point I configure only two parameters:
“Virtual Hard Disks” – set path to my folder “D:\Hyper-V” for storing vhdx’s;
“Virtual Machines” – set path to my folder “D:\Hyper-V” for storing VM’s config files;
5. After all changes press OK;
6. Next – config Virtual Switch. Go to Virtual Switch Manager;
7. As first step create External Virtual Switch for enterprise network. Select type External and click on Create Virtual Switch;
8. Enter Name of your Switch (in my case – External). Check connection type (External network), select your adapter and set check mark Allow management operating system to share this network adapter (in this case Network Adapter used for main system and for VM’s network traffic). After all changes – press Apply;
9. When you press apply – you get message about connection loosing, read message and press Yes. We create first Virtual Switch;
10. Second Virtual Switch – LAB network. Go back to New virtual network switch, select Private (network for communicate VM’s only with each other), press Create Virtual Switch;
11. Enter Name of Virtual Switch, select type Private network and press OK;