Configuration Manager Console Silent Install.
- Locate the installation files of the admin console: The first thing we need to do is to locate the installation files. When we are looking around, we will see that there are two different locations where the installation files can be found: <ConfigMgrSiteServerInstallPath>\tools\ConsoleSetup
Of these two locations, the first one is the best option (and also the best practice), as it will also contain the supported language packs for the site. With the second option, only the English version will be installed. - Create the command line: The second thing we need to do is create the correct command line. But before we can do that, we need to know which installer we need to use. Well, the best practice is to use the consolesetup.exe to initiate the installation, as it will do some prerequisite and dependency checks. This installer has the following command-line options.
Option Description
/q Silent (un)install. Always use in combination with TargetDir, EnableSQM, and DefaultSiteServerName (in an install action).
/uninstall Uninstall. Always use in combination with /q
LangPackDir (Optional) Specify the path to the folder with the language files.
TargetDir (Required) Specify the path to the folder with the installation files.
EnableSQM (Required) Specify whether to Join the Customer Experience Improvement Program (or not).
DefaultSiteServerName (Required) Specify the FQDN of the site server.
NOTE: For version 1802 and later, don’t include the EnableSQM parameter
Silent install example:
consolesetup.exe /q TargetDir=””C:\Program Files\Configuration Manager\Console” EnableSQM=1 DefaultSiteServerName=server1.example.local
Silent uninstall example:
consolesetup.exe /q /uninstall
SCCM Console Silent Install.
As per Microsoft guidance:
“For version 1802 and later, don’t include the EnableSQM parameter”