Hyper-V Windows에서 VM 관련 작업 10: 가상 머신 관리 가이드. Some useful info about what you can do with Virtual Machine (VM) in Hyper-V Manager.
1. Import Virtual Machine – you may import to your Hyper-V early exported VM;
2. Edit Disk – edit selected Hyper-V Virtual Disk (예를 들어);
3. Inspect Disk – show short information about selected Hyper-V Virtual Disk;
- Run your Hyper-V Manager, 클릭 "Inspect Disk“;
4. 연결하다 – connect to selected Virtual Machine to work with it;
5. Setting – open VM settings;
6. 시작 – “Power-on” machine (if VM in “끄다” state);
7. Checkpoint – create new checkpoint for VM;
8. Move – you can “Move” VM files and disks to another location;
9. 내보내다 – export VM for future import at another server;
Best Practices:
- Disconnect “Virtual Disk” from VM;
- Copy it to destination folder at another server;
- “내보내다” your VM;
- Go to another server and do “Import Virtual Machine“;
- Connect your early copied “Virtual Disk" 그리고 "시작” VM
10. 이름 바꾸기 – rename name of VM in Hyper-V Manager (change only visible name, NOT folder or “Virtual Disk” name);
- Run your Hyper-V manager and select “가상 기기“;
- "를 클릭합니다.이름 바꾸기” and enter new name;
- Press “입력하다” on your keyboard.
11. 삭제 – delete VM from Hyper-V manager and vm’s configuration file (after that manually delete “Virtual Disk“);
12. 돕다 – don’t need an introduction.