Actions with VM in Hiper-V Windows 10: Um guia para gerenciar máquinas virtuais. Some useful info about what you can do with Máquina Virtual (VM) em Hiper-V Gerente.
1. Importar Máquina Virtual – you may import to your Hiper-V early exported VM;
2. Edit Disk – edit selected Hiper-V Virtual Disk (as example);
3. Inspect Disk – show short information about selected Hiper-V Virtual Disk;
- Execute o seu Hiper-V Gerente, click on “Inspect Disk“;
- Select your “Virtual Disk” and press “Abrir“;
- Check the information and press “Fechar“.
4. Conectar – connect to selected Máquina Virtual to work with it;
5. Setting – open VM settings;
6. Começar – “Power-on” machine (if VM in “Off” state);
7. Checkpoint – create new checkpoint for VM;
8. Move – you can “Move” VM files and disks to another location;
9. Export – export VM for future import at another server;
Melhores práticas:
- Disconnect “Virtual Disk” from VM;
- Copy it to destination folder at another server;
- “Export” your VM;
- Go to another server and do “Importar Máquina Virtual“;
- Connect your early copied “Virtual Disk” and “Começar” VM
10. Rename – rename the name of a VM in Hiper-V Gerente (change only visible name, NOT folder or “Virtual Disk” name);
- Execute o seu Hiper-V manager and select “Máquina Virtual“;
- Click “Rename” and enter a new name;
- Press “Digitar” on your keyboard.
11. Excluir – delete VM from Hiper-V manager and VMs configuration file (after that manually delete “Virtual Disk“);
12. Ajuda – don’t need an introduction.