Nieznajomy biura 2005 Do Okna release notes.
Zbudować 12829.20000 (Móc 8, 2020)
Search at the top
The search box has moved to the title bar. This new home for search will leave a cleaner message list where you’ll have space to fit additional messages.
Przewyższać, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook
GIFs now play
Animated GIFs now play in the editor when previously there were static. They also have user controls with play and pause buttons.
Przewyższać, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote
Notable fixes:
We have fixed an issue where an Office 365 ProPlus deployment via InTune was paused after an Office Suite shutdown.
Zbudować 12827.20030 (Móc 1, 2020)
Notable fixes:
- Fixed an issue where chart data table could render values in a date axis incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where page breaks could not be disabled after going into Page Layout or Page Break Preview.
- Fixed an issue where inserting a column in a filtered list would take longer than expected.
- Fixed an issue where chart line styles could be lost after hiding and unhiding columns with series data.
- Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when trying to list changes on a new sheet for a workbook using legacy Shared Workbook mode.
- Fixed an issue where custom formatting in Pivot charts may not be saved when the “Invert if negative” option was enabled.
- Fixed an issue where custom formatting for a single data point in a Pivot chart was not saved if the Invert if negative option was selected.
- Fixed an issue where entering the @ symbol added in a CSV file would result in the string following the @ symbol being converted to a formula.
- Fixed an issue where decimal values in the SEQUENCE function were not rounded correctly.
Notable fixes:
- Fixed the issue where closing a document with draft comments would prompt the user to close the document without saving the draft comments and clicking Cancel would close the document rather than leaving it open.
- Fixed an issue where translating a posted comment would result in the Inserting translated text failed błąd message being displayed.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on a hint in Web View/Immersive reader would scroll to the top of the page even though it was already in view.
- Fixed an issue where inserting comments on a document in collaboration mode would not always work.
- Fixed an issue where the People card would flash if the @ mention was clicked.
- Fixed an issue that, when attempting to save a file containing a macro under a new name, would cause it to be saved with .docx extension and the filename WRO0004.docx, regardless of what the user entered, rendering the document unusable.
Notable fixes:
- Fixed an issue where very long safelinks that users clicked on would fail to load due to truncation.
- Fixed an issue where Outlook folders with names containing DBCS (Double Byte Character Set) characters would intermittently disappear when synchronizing with the server if using an IMAP account and running on a system with the locale set to Japanese.
Notable fix
- Fixed an issue where if a user created a comment without posting it and closed the Comments pane, then opened a new window, navigated through multiple slides and, closed the window, and finally re-opened the Comments pane in the original presentation, the draft comments would not be available.
Notable fix:
- Fixed an issue where if Project is connected to Project Web App and the decimal separator is a comma, the TaskDependencies.Add method fails when Lag is added.
Zbudować 12816.20006 (April 24, 2020)
Automatically shorten links for OneDrive & SharePointa files
We’ve made these updates to improve the readability of links to OneDrive I SharePointa files that are shared with recipients using Outlook for Okna. Senders will also be warned if Outlook detects potential access issues for recipients. Then they will be given the ability to address them prior to sending. This will ensure that the links you send will work for recipients.
How it works:
When you’re composing an email, you can perform one of these actions:
- Copy a link to a file stored on OneDrive Lub SharePointa. Then paste it into the body of an email message.
- On the Message tab, wybierać Link > Insert Link and select a file stored on OneDrive Lub SharePointa.
- Right-click the body of an email message and select Link > Insert Link. Then select a file stored on OneDrive Lub SharePointa.
Learn more.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where the Categorize button in the ribbon was disabled.
- We fixed an issue where enterprise customers with group folders that were not implemented or not working, would result in Outlook displaying a “not responding” message.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where the chart trendline R-squared value (in the forced y-intercept case) was incorrect even though the LINEST function returns the correct value.
- We fixed an issue where the customized chart trendline formatting was not always being saved.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where the option “Show bookmarks” would not display bookmarks.
- We fixed an issue where text with hyperlinks were not displaying if the option: “Show field codes instead of their values” was enabled.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where hovering over the asterisk (*) symbol did not display the username and date of the last person to update the document.
Zbudować 12810.20002 (April 17, 2020)
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where workbooks saved with a digital signature in Excel 2016 could have the signature invalidated when opening the workbook in the current version of Excel.
- This change fixes an issue where conditional formatting information was not being saved to XLSB files correctly.
- We fixed an issue where the Custom Błąd Bar box had narrow fields for the błąd values cells.
- We fixed an issue where the check box in form controls was shrinking when you selected Print or Print Preview.
- We fixed an issue where Application.Evaluate was not working for user-defined functions in some cases.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where users were unable to add a personal contact group as a meeting attendee.
- We fixed an issue that was preventing Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions default signing configuration from being enforced via group policy.
- We fixed an issue where delete rules for mailboxes other than the user’s primary one wouldn’t work.
- We fixed an issue where attachments would get dropped when an encrypted message was forwarded.
- We fixed an issue where meeting subjects wouldn’t display in Scheduling Assistant if the meeting was more than two months away.
- We fixed an issue where users were seeing message body truncation when forwarding large HTML messages.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where Project was sometimes crashing when a user changed the board status field on a project that was connected to a SharePointa task list.
- We fixed an issue where Project was sometimes crashing when saving projects created with older versions of Project.
- We fixed an issue where when a user edited Predecessor/Successor data in Form view, an extra ProjectBeforeTaskChange would launch.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where line breaks were being stored as vertical tabs.