Office Insider for Windows Version 1908 (Build 11901.20002) available.
Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
New features:
Sketchy Shapes
Sketchy Shapes is a new shape style that lets you apply a less polished look to your shapes, allowing you to visually communicate the draft state of your content. Those shapes have all of the attributes of rendered shapes, allowing for manipulation, resizing, and usual shape properties, but they bring a little whimsy to your slides.
How to enable:
- Create and select a shape.
- On the Shape Format aba, clique Shape Outline, clique Sketchy, and then select the Sketchy style you want in the list.
Scenario to try:
- Apply different sketchy styles to your shapes.
- Apply sketchy styles to your SmartArt objects.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue which would degrade the quality of a chart when exported as a PDF.
Known issues:
Some performance regressions and downlevel backcompat issues when applying sketchy styles to Smart Art, still being worked on
New features:
Ink Replay
You can apply the new Replay or Rewind animation to ink and get the drawing effect directly in your presentations! You can adjust the timing of these animations to be faster or slower to match the experience you want.
In addition to timing options, you can also control how multiple ink objects contained in a group playback, by using the Effect Options animations. All at Once will start the playback of all ink objects at the same time, while By Ink Object will play back the ink objects in sequential order determined by the order the ink objects are layered.
Scenario to try:
Add some ink in your slides to callout or highlight some data or to add some flair. Então, apply the Replay animation to your ink and set the timings to what makes sense to your presentations.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue which would degrade the quality of a chart when exported as a PDF.
- We fixed an issue which prevented a tooltip indicating the distance to the center from displaying.
- We fixed an issue which could cause photos of the people with whom you are collborating to be misaligned on the drop down list.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue which prevented the See what’s coming soon dialog from being displayed properly.
- We fixed an issue which could sometimes prevent new comments from being added.
- We fixed an issue where tables could sometimes cause a crash.
- We fixed an issue where invalid data could sometimes be added to the end of a mail merge.
- We fixed an issue preventing users from opening a PDF created in Word in Equipes.
- We fixed an issue which could cause some LaTeX equations to render incorrectly.
- We fixed an issue which prevented a tooltip indicating the distance to the center from displaying.
- We fixed an issue which could cause photos of the people with whom you are collborating to be misaligned on the drop down list.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue where changing the chart types could result in a runtime exception.
- We fixed an issue where the incorrect ribbon could be displayed when multiple Windows were open.
- We fixed an issue which could cause an erro when a macro opened a second instance of the workbook.
- We fixed an issue which could cause a crash when opening or creating a workbook, or switching between workbooks.
- We significantly improved the performance of Ribbon KeyTips.
- We fixed an issue which prevented a tooltip indicating the distance to the center from displaying.
- We fixed an issue which could cause photos of the people with whom you are collborating to be misaligned on the drop down list.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue which prevented some queries from returning large integer values.
- We fixed an issue which could make the SQL text box not editable.
- We fixed an issue where tooltips could be difficult to see on some High DPI displays.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue which could prevent a Disk Full erro from being displayed.
- We fixed an issue which could cause attachments from being duplicated when updating a meting request.
Notable fixes:
- We fixed an issue which could cause flag values to become not editable in new tasks.
- We fixed an issue which could cause a status update to improperly set Actual Start Date on Assignments and Tasks.
- We fixed an issue which could cause some resources to incorrectly appear as overallocated.
- We fixed an issue where the TaskDependencies Add method could fail when Lag is added, when the decimal separator is the comma, and when connected to a server.
- We fixed an issue where updating local custom field lookup table values via CSOM could PCS.
- We fixed an issue where the total work values appear incorrect if they contain a decimal.