Cum se instalează .Net Framework 3.5 Offline in Windows 10 şi Windows Server. Very often we need NET Framework 3.5 component in our system. By default, it’s disabled. The best choice to install it in Windows or Windows Server is to use Prompt de comandă (CMD). For this operation, you need .iso ferestre distributive mounted in the system or Windows disk in CD-ROM, or folder “X:\sources\sxs” copied to the local disk.
How-to Install .Net Framework 3.5 offline
1. Start Command Prompt with admin rights. For doing this – Butonul din dreapta al mouse-ului click on the Start button and select Prompt de comandă (Admin):
2. In the opened ferestre insert the text string and press Intră:
dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess
PowerShellWhere D: is your installation media.
3. When the installation is finished – close Command Prompt:
NOTE: Better use ferestre distributive like your installation (Windows 10 1607 – ferestre 10 1607, Windows 8 – Windows 8 … )