Windows服务器 2016 动态主机配置协议 Role Installation with 图形用户界面 和 电源外壳: 分步指南.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (动态主机配置协议) is a client/server protocol that automatically provides an Internet Protocol (IP) host with its IP address and other related configuration information such as the subnet mask and default gateway. RFCs 2131 和 2132 define 动态主机配置协议 as an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard based on Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), a protocol with which 动态主机配置协议 shares many implementation details. 动态主机配置协议 allows hosts to obtain required TCP/IP configuration information from a 动态主机配置协议 服务器.
1. Start your system, when Server Manager opens click Add roles and features;
2. 为了 Installation Type, 点击 下一个;
3. 为了 Server Selection, select your server and click 下一个;
4. 为了 Server Roles, 选择 动态主机配置协议 服务器 role;
5. In the pop-up window click Add Features;
6. 点击 下一个;
7. 为了 特征, 点击 下一个;
8. 为了 动态主机配置协议 服务器, 点击 下一个;
9. 为了 Confirmation, 点击 安装;
10. Installation begins;
11. When complete, 点击 关闭;
12. 点击 这 yellow triangle in Server Manager, 然后单击 Complete 动态主机配置协议 配置;
13. 为了 描述, 点击 下一个;
14. 为了 Authorization, 点击 Commit (also you may select the option Skip AD authorization and do authorization from 动态主机配置协议 安慰);
15. 为了 概括, 点击 关闭 (you must see Done twice);
16. 跑步 这 动态主机配置协议 console from the apps list;
使用 PowerShell:
- 跑步 电源外壳 as administrator;
2. 安装 动态主机配置协议 Role;
Add-WindowsFeature DHCP
3. 安装 动态主机配置协议 安慰;
4. 为了 动态主机配置协议 authorization enter;
5. After that go to Server Manager. 点击 这 yellow triangle, and click Complete 动态主机配置协议 配置. For Description, click Next. For Authorization, select the option Skip AD authorization and click Commit;
6. Get all commands for 动态主机配置协议 在 电源外壳;
Import-Module dhcpserver
Get-Command -Module dhcpserver