Installieren Active Directory An Windows-Server 2016.
NOTIZ: Before installing the AD role, you must install the DNS role. (DNS – required component for AD)
Install Active Directory Domain Services with Graphical Interface (GUI)
1. Start your Server and start the Servermanager Konsole (by default starts after user login);
2. Click Manage (upper menu) und klicken Fügen Sie Rollen und Funktionen hinzu;
3. Klicken der Nächste Taste;
4. Wählen Rollenbasierte oder funktionsbasierte Installation und klicken Nächste Taste;
5. Wählen Sie Ihren Zielserver aus (in my case it’s only one) und klicken Sie auf Nächste Taste;
6. Häkchen setzen Active Directory Domain Dienstleistungen (HINZUFÜGT);
7. Klicken Sie im Popup-Fenster auf Funktionen hinzufügen Taste (added some AD management tools);
8. Klicken Nächste Taste;
9. For now we don’t need any Merkmale, so click Nächste;
10. Read the short text about AD and click the Nächste Taste;
11. You may set a check mark Restart the destination server automatically if required (by default not required). Klicken Sie auf Installieren Taste;
12. After installation is complete click the Schließen Taste;
13. After role installation is complete you will see a yellow triangle in the upper menu. Click on it to show the next list, klicken Promote this server to a Domain Regler (to make this device Domain Regler, aka DC);
14. Wählen Fügen Sie eine neue Gesamtstruktur hinzu (in my case this is a new DC and new forest), and enter the Root Domain Name (this is our future Domain). Klicken Sie auf Nächste Taste;
15. Wählen Sie Ihr aus:
- Forest functional level;
- Domain functional level;
Type the DSRM Passwort (make it strong, needed for future restore if it fell) und klicken der Nächste Taste;
16. If you have parent DNS klicken Show more;
17. Read the short text about DNS delegation and click the OK button.If needed- create a DNS delegation. If you don’t need to Create DNS delegation (as an example) – click der Nächste Taste;
18. Eingeben The NetBIOS Domain Name of your Domain und klicken der Nächste Taste;
19. If need – specify the location of AD DS objects, und klicken Sie auf Nächste Taste;
20. Read the summary information, and if all is OK click der Nächste Taste;
21. After checking pre-requirements click Installieren;
22. Installation began;
23. After installation is complete you get a pop-up about Signing out and the system restarting. You may click the Schließen button or wait to restart;
24. System restart;
25. After restarting you will see, that you are able to Protokoll in as Domain Administrator;
26. After login to the system, when the Server Manager console shows up you will see the installed role AD DS;
Install Active Directory Domain Services with Windows Powershell
The first thing you will need to do is open Windows PowerShell. Once you have logged into the system and are faced with the Befehlszeile, simply type PowerShell (In Windows Kern). For the desktop interface run PowerShell (Admin).
1. Execute:
2. Once the command has been completed successfully, you will be presented with all the uninstalled, but available, modules.
3. Once we have figured out the service name and the module name, we now have to go ahead and install it.
Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services
This command will extract all required binary files and start the installation procedure.
4. Let’s create a new forest.
Import-Module ADDSDeployment
NOTIZ: If the command is completed successfully then you will be faced with a blank prompt.
5. Now, you will need need to promote your server to a Domain controller as per your requirements – there are several commands that you can use to do this.
Command | Beschreibung |
Add-ADDSReadOnlyDomainControllerAccount | Install a read-only Domain Regler |
Install-ADDSDomain | Install the first Domain controller in a child or tree Domain |
Install-ADDSDomainController | Install an additional Domain controller in a Domain |
Install-ADDSForest | Install the first Domain controller in the new forest |
Test-ADDSDomainControllerInstallation | Verify prerequisites to install an additional Domain controller in a Domain |
Test-ADDSDomainControllerUninstallation | Uninstall AD services from the server |
Test-ADDSDomainInstallation | Verify prerequisites to install the first Domain controller in a child or tree Domain |
Test-ADDSForestInstallation | Install the first Domain controller in the new forest |
Test-ADDSReadOnlyDomainControllAccountCreation | Verify prerequisites to install a read-only Domain Regler |
Uninstall-ADDSDomainController | Uninstall the Domain controller from the server |
Um die zu installieren Active Directory with the default configuration, execute the following command:
This will install the basic features and functions, Jedoch, if you want to install a customized setup:
Install-ADDSForest -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DatabasePath "C:\Windows\NTDS" -DomainMode "Win2012R2" -DomainName "" -DomainNetbiosName "YOURDOMAIN" -ForestMode "Win2016" -InstallDns:$true -LogPath "C:\Windows\NTDS" -NoRebootOnCompletion:$false -SysvolPath "C:\Windows\SYSVOL" -Force:$WAHR
Once you execute this, you will be asked to enter SafeModeAdministratorPassword – this is for the Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM). Once you set this Passwort here Windows will finish the AD installation and configuration on your Windows-Server based on the input provided.
6. Der Active Directory will now install. You may receive various warnings, depending on whether you have static IPs or not. Your server may automatically restart during this process as well.